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Thread: (Bird) Food for Thought

  1. #41
    Forum Diehard BLOXBOOKS's Avatar
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    Ron Paul, he seems to have many supporters and also a number of critics, I think the poster of the extended Bird Feeder thread I read was maybe a supporter, the anecdotes with leanings towards a particular political perspective may from time to time have some ambiguity I think.

    I had a look around to see if I could find a quote that could say similar and or mean the same as the Bird Feeder and.....

    "Everyone has seen that the current situation is intolerable. Allowing free development and equality for the immigrant has led to an "unfree" situation of exploited competition"

    The above quote (although I changed one word) sort of puts in a nut shell the essence of the bird feeder anecdote I think!. I don't doubt the original author constructed the anecdote well and the whole version was very satirical until the last section that was political, and may stir a particular emotion, although not every one may agree OP works on several levels and.... ooops I starting to go on and on..lol...

  2. #42


    You ramble on all you like Blox. I like to see different people's "take" on things, and how they agree or differ from my own..... as long as it doesn't have to be followed up with a great pile of indexed URLS and books to "prove" the facts.
    As I said, I like some of the things he stands for, but like most politicians he has a few grey areas I am not certain of. The shadowy bits have a horrible habit of creeping out of the woodwork once they get elected. He could, possibly, become the next President of the USA, but most people here have never heard of him. Hilary Clinton seems to hog the headlines. That's one very frightening lady.... and Condoliza Rice is another.

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by chiquita View Post
    As for your reply to my points, where you shredded my post to make your replies look better,

    Back in the good old days computers were restricted to those people who actually knew how to use them and those who posted messages on BBS's (as they were called) understood the etiquette of online life. Now, every Tom, Dick and Chiquita can get online and start spouting off at people about things they clearly don't understand.

    It isn't shredding your post to make anything look anything. It's called QUOTING. It is the long established and correct method for replying to the specific parts of a message that the writer wishes to refer to. So kindly stop showing your ignorance and moaning about how I reply.
    Quote Originally Posted by chiquita View Post
    ... don't tell me what the piece is all about. I can read as good as you, and I am not stupid, so I draw my own conclusions what it is about.

    No, I daresay you aren't stupid. You are, however, apparently incapable of seeing what is meant by the pretty obvious sub-text of the piece. You have become so used to accepting such rubbish as mere humour that you cannot distinguish between humour, political comment and racism.
    Quote Originally Posted by chiquita View Post
    And don't condescend me by saying you have tried to 'help me understand' because your aim is to get me to agree with your views.

    No, my aim is to get you to see that there MIGHT just be something there other than the humour you claim it to be. However, so far you have completely failed to even suggest that you could accept an alternative explanation. Agreement with my views would be the step after that.
    Quote Originally Posted by chiquita View Post
    You keep pointing out the origin of the article and what its intent was...I don't give a fig where it came from, and don't want to know. I am only interested in what I read at the beginning of tghis thread.
    No, of course you don't want to know. Why should you want to bother understanding? That would be far too much effort, wouldn't it? To do that you might actually have to think for yourself and question what is commonly accepted. Sheesh, we couldn't have that now could we?

  4. #44


    Look Damian, I will not respond to your baiting any more and fill the forum up with useless comments, no matter how much you call me ignorant!! Let this thread die a normal death like any normal person would! I'M RIGHT, YOU'RE WRONG. GET OVER IT.
    I would dearly love to tell you what you can do, but I won't get banned for you. Suffice to say it's similar to what we do to turkeys at christmas. GOODBYE.

  5. #45


    i'm Right, You're Wrong. Get Over It.

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