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Thread: 'Amateur' eBid Trailer

  1. #1
    Forum Lurker greenmasons's Avatar
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    Lightbulb 'Amateur' eBid Trailer

    I've been really thinking, and using up all my brain power!, on ideas for advertising the site. I mentioned it elsewhere but it was the wrong category (oops!).
    Well since TV advertising is to expensive I was thinking that a few of us could get together and make a low budget visual advert that can be displayed and promoted on Youtube and on major ISP portals like BT and Tiscali.
    For me an advert with colour, sound and images is more catchy and sticks in your head longer than an Internet Banner or Adwords. It wouldn't have to be long maybe 30-40 seconds and it could mention:

    *Free listings for Seller
    *100,000s of products to choose from for buyers
    *Fast paced Happy Hour & 60min Auctions
    *Buy items from USA, Canada, Australia etc.
    *Collect loyalty points when you Buy and Sell

    I haven't got a clear idea yet of a storyline but it should involve making people aware of the benefits that make ebid better than ebay. And if we devised a catchy jingle and a slogan to make it stick in the viewers head.
    Maybe the ad could show someone's house and the couple are giving friends a tour of the house and everything they own is off eBid and the friends become really intrigued...something along them lines with a bit of humour lol

    I'm going to have a go myself making some sort of mini advert with a few friends...something for a nice rainy day!
    Photo Art Shop - Greetings Cards, Postcards, Prints and more from my beautiful range of photography taken around the UK.

  2. #2


    Great idea. I won 'Gazza and Mark' hand puppets from the last YDC auctions and I was going to try and think of some themed adverts, like the Gold Blend series - 'Gazza and Mark at Home' or something, or doing news bulletins.
    Also an advert, maybe a banner ad/viral or both, a bit like the Visa (I think) or M&S advert where is says a couple of items and then some other thing that is priceless. The idea's a bit vague in my head, but something similar to what you put above where everything in the house is bought from eBid - for a banner, it would be something like (with pictures) - scarf from madeleine, gloves from greenmasons, wooly hat from ToycrazyUK, then some logo/jingle like whatever you want, eBid for it.

    A few of us like the idea of running an online advert compo and see what we can come up with!

    Also, like the supermarket ads where they list the price comparisons, we could quote how much an item would cost to list etc on other sites.

    I'm hoping to catch some sort of contagious illness where you feel perfectly OK, but cannot go to work for a few weeks as it is infectious. Then I can settle down and learn how to make banners and edit movies!

    I hope I'm not rambling too much - my brain always runs away ahead of me!

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