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Thread: auction 'views' counting

  1. #1

    Default auction 'views' counting

    Does anyone else find it frustrating that each visit/view is counted? What I mean is that each view is counted, including multiple visits by the same person. It fools me into thinking that several different people have looked, when in reality it could be the same person looking again & again. If you want to see what I mean go and view an auction (look at the amount of views first), then look at it a few times, you will see that the amount of views has gone up by however many times you looked.

    Is there anything that can be done to change it so that it shows the amount of people who have viewed i.e only recording a visit from one person once regardless of how many times they look?

    Have a look!
    My eBid Auctions

  2. #2


    I suppose it is just me who finds this frustrating! LOL
    Have a look!
    My eBid Auctions

  3. #3

    Default Views

    It always works that way with counters on websites. (FYI)

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by rabbitburrow View Post
    Does anyone else find it frustrating that each visit/view is counted? What I mean is that each view is counted, including multiple visits by the same person. It fools me into thinking that several different people have looked, when in reality it could be the same person looking again & again. If you want to see what I mean go and view an auction (look at the amount of views first), then look at it a few times, you will see that the amount of views has gone up by however many times you looked.

    Is there anything that can be done to change it so that it shows the amount of people who have viewed i.e only recording a visit from one person once regardless of how many times they look?

    If the user is signed into their eBid account, the auction counter should only go up once, on the first visit, each day.

    If the user is either not a member or not signed in, then the counter will go up for each and every visit.

    There is no way around this problem as it is not possible to individually identify every single visitor to the site unless they are signed in.

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