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Thread: Did You Know?????

  1. #11

    Wink squirel

    Hiya Ken it was mums cat chased my 2 cats that started the squirel off the my cat got onto the high fence and gave the dog next door evil eye, l tell you it all kicked off it was quite funny but very noisy guess the squirel felt threatened.
    Wendy xx

  2. #12


    Sounds like the animal neighbourhood is a bit rough down your way

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  3. #13


    My cats are the most placid cats going the mum Maudie would prefer to sort it by watching her enemy or even laying down next to them and fall asleep, Stanley my other cat likes to stay indoors if theres a fight, Mums cat Casper doesnt go out alot so just thought he would start a chase and Keep mine on their toes l guess Wendy

  4. #14


    craftykitty, you probably don't have many birds because of the "tree rats". They eat bird's eggs and young chicks. Unlike our native red squirrel, the greys are omnivores. I get loads of small birds nesting round the garden because my cats and Jack Russell catch and kill the squirrels. Small birds are ignored, but they are partial to the odd pigeon.

  5. #15

    Unhappy birds

    Dont think so l have had cats for years and had birds loads and loads of sparrows and a black bird family but the problem is in london especially built up areas the bird population is very sparce now which is a shame

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