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Thread: A Pre-Approved bidders feature?

  1. #1

    Default A Pre-Approved bidders feature?

    I think a Pre-Approved Bidders feature may be a very good add on to www.ebid.net

    If you don't know what i mean by pre-approved bidders, basically it is that the buyer gets sent emails by potential buyers asking to bid. When the buyer finds some one reputable, he adds them to a list of bidders whom the buyer sees as reputable. This feature would mean no more Nigerian Scammers etc.

    This is now a totally unique idea, because eBay have just got rid of it. This would be a great add on, as many people (like me) who are sick of auctions being won by a Nigerian Scammer buying over double the price what it should be and then not paying at all! I would certainly move from eBay to an auction site that implemented this feature. And I know many others would as well.

    What do you think?


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    Last edited by biker14; 17th April 2007 at 05:32 PM. Reason: Adding more detail

  2. #2


    So how are you going to add say 300,000 approved bidders who are OK to avoid the 10 who aren't. All you can do is add deadbeats to the blocked bidders list.

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  3. #3


    You're not going to add 30,000 people duh! You will add as many as you want to bid it out or if you want a certain person to press the buy it now, he can do it before anyone else does.


  4. #4
    Forum Diehard Hip Chick's Avatar
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    Hi Biker14

    If its any good to you, when you create a auction you can state who can and who can not bid on your items. This is done via possitive feedbacks and the buyer status (bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum)

    If you are worried about non-payers then this would be ideal for you to set you level to a gold.

    Just a thought!

  5. #5


    I agree.. the feedback rating is a good way of controlling who can bid, problem is it puts new customers off. Ive seen quite few customers on here complaining that they cant bid on products as the seller has set a limit. With Ebid being still quite new to the majority, by doing this you are restricting the possibility of a sale. I myself would rather take the risk of the odd scam buyer than loose potential good customers, but each to is own

  6. #6


    If new people come to the site to buy,( so will have zero feedback) only to find they are restricted this place will never take off. I can understand blocking a negative score, but is a non payer the absolute end of the world, not really inconvenient perhaps, but not in the same league as paying for something and not receiving it.

    For low cost Prints and Affordable Originals just Click the Logo

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  7. #7


    But you have to pay for all these features. I am not going to use ebid too much, just occassionally. I am not prepared to pay £25 or so ever 90 days. Looks like its going to be an eBay return

  8. #8
    Forum Saint HannaHolly's Avatar
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    You can already choose what level of feedback a bidder has to have before they bid on your auctions, you get this option as part of the listing proces and it's FREE. Personally i never use it.

    If you are experiencing a lot of 'Nigerian' approaches on your auctions i assume you must be selling high value items?

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by biker14 View Post
    But you have to pay for all these features. I am not going to use ebid too much, just occassionally. I am not prepared to pay £25 or so ever 90 days. Looks like its going to be an eBay return
    What costs £25.00 every 90 days
    You cannot sell at the moment because you are a bronze member, if you upgrade to silver it doesn't cost anything.
    It costs less than £30.00 for A YEAR's Gold Subscription.

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