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Thread: Praise and problems

  1. #1

    Default Praise and problems

    I LOVE your effort here, and would love to see you give ebay a run for its money. I'm a long time successful ebay seller and am fed up with ebay... but can't find anything that even approaches ebay in functionality. I think ebid has potential, but it is VERY difficult to use. I am in the US.

    Start a forum just for US users (and perhaps for other countries as well).

    Two of my three auctions are not showing up on the searches, but I can't find any contact for support. You really need to provide support to new sellers.

    Provide "completed" search data. Buyers and sellers both need to see # of bids, final prices, etc. I like your hit counters and the number of hits is why I decided to spend so much of my precious time trying to use ebid, but I can't find items that actually have current bids.

    Encourage sellers to work together to draw buyers and merchandise to ebid. Perhaps provide some sort of incentive to sellers.

    Allow photos to upload with their names. Having to re-name them after they are uploaded is time-consuming and confusing.

    Figure out a way sellers can use Turbolister. Anyone can get it for free and it works great on ebay. Turbolister can be adjusted for use with sites other than ebay, but I haven't tried that in a while.

    Clean up the look of your format--listings are cluttered, difficult to peruse, and just don't look nice. I suggest you copy ebay's format ... it's what everyone is accustomed to and will make buyers feel much more comfortable.

    Sorry ... I'm just frustrated with all the time I'm spending evaluating ebay alternatives. There is HUGE potential for someone to make as much money as ebay has ... I wish I could write program code (instead of listing descriptions) or I'd try it.
    Last edited by natahoa; 9th February 2007 at 05:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Diehard BLOXBOOKS's Avatar
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    EBID Has a great selection of Collectables, some very interesting Crafts & Sewing, Auctions for Charity, I have even see nintendo ds lite's and PSPs and lots more great items on the No Reserve £10 start Happy hour auctions and.... too much to mention here,
    Hello natahoa, eBid is due for a new look soon, so that may change the aesthetics of the whole site.
    I do have a feeling that auction site listing tools etc may have certain copyrights and altering in any way the code of those tools are against the TOS, but I am sure there are others who know more about such things.
    I thought starting this reply with a plug for eBid would be a good idea, I know we are here on eBid but threads in this forum get picked up by spiders and bot, plus the other auction site gets enough publicity

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by natahoa View Post
    Start a forum just for US users (and perhaps for other countries as well).

    but I can't find any contact for support.

    Clean up the look of your format--listings are cluttered, difficult to peruse, and just don't look nice. I suggest you copy ebay's format ... it's what everyone is accustomed to and will make buyers feel much more comfortable.
    Hi natahoa,

    wouldn't splitting the forums into different countries
    just mean a lot of the info would be duplicated?
    Many of the problems suggestions ect concern members from all regions.
    Maybe a section for each country/region within the existing forums would work better.

    Splitting the Plug Your Auction section, into home plug regions, plus international to cover everywhere, might work well. Then those who only sell in their home country could plug only in that forum, those who sell internationally, could use their "home plug forum" plus the "international plug forum"

    you can contact support via the contact page
    Help Centre - Contact Us - Click here to open a support ticket
    OR by email

    As for the format of the site,
    if you read Gazza's post
    Ebid News - What's been Going On
    you'll see that they are working on a site redesign,
    which should be going live any day soon.

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  4. #4
    Forum Master e_nviable's Avatar
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    .......... and a 'closed' auction search can be done by going to the eBid 'home'/'front' page and clicking on the red square saying 'Buy it on eBid' then look for the 'Closed Auction Search' tab and click on it...... a search box will appear and all you have to do is enter the relevant keyword (the search box may already be there before you click on the 'Closed Auction Search' tab )

    All you have to do then is scroll down and find something that sold Hope this info is useful to you

    (in the uk)

  5. #5


    Ebid is like anything new.. the problem is people are used to the feebay format and expect this to be the same. But then it wouldnt be EBID! lol Once you use it for a while you will get used to it very quickly and I myself even after being a feebay user for 7 years find it easier to use and the lack of stupid feebay style fees more than makes up for the little quirks that Ebid has.
    I believe too that this site has great potential and if you read through the forums you will see that most of its members are doing pretty much everything they can to promote it. Its understandable that Ebid have not done the publicity thing as yet. I think this is a good thing, best get what they know to be problems out of the way first, improve what they can afford to, get as many listings as possible. Then when the sites looking its best..then get some advertising done.So I think they seriously need to look at that as their next option, even if it means getting in some investors to help.
    For all its faults EBID is great value for money, and unlike Feebay if you dont sell anything you dont pay anything so nothing to loose
    Stick around, get involved play with the buttons lol you'll soon feel at home here
    Last edited by Mark; 13th February 2007 at 12:05 AM.

  6. #6


    Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!

    I have been banging my head against the proverbial brick wall looking for this facility and quite simply couldn't see the wood for the trees.

    To be honest I was being lazy - CTRL F then 'completed items' but I now know it is called:
    "Closed Auction Search"

    Quote Originally Posted by e_nviable View Post
    .......... and a 'closed' auction search can be done by going to the eBid 'home'/'front' page and clicking on the red square saying 'Buy it on eBid' then look for the 'Closed Auction Search' tab and click on it...... a search box will appear and all you have to do is enter the relevant keyword (the search box may already be there before you click on the 'Closed Auction Search' tab )

    All you have to do then is scroll down and find something that sold Hope this info is useful to you

    (in the uk)

    Booksforsale For Vintage Homewares and New & Secondhand Books

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  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by natahoa View Post

    ...Figure out a way sellers can use Turbolister. Anyone can get it for free and it works great on ebay. Turbolister can be adjusted for use with sites other than ebay, but I haven't tried that in a while....
    Turbolister is the biggest pile of mince I have ever encountered in my life.. I can't even get it to work on feepay, and have gone back to labouriously listing everything one at at time.

    I have yet to try ebid lister for here.

    Booksforsale For Vintage Homewares and New & Secondhand Books

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  8. #8


    Had the same problems with turbolister on the other site, way to much work. Also have not tried the ebid lister, transferred many books over from feebay one at a time. But the total lack of sales makes this labor seem meaningless. So what does one do?
    eBid Store Owner osceolabul [7]
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  9. #9


    Hi, I have been using this site for about 6 months now, and after a slow start, sales are improving. There have been a lot of changes to this site over the past 6 months with more improvements soon, and I definitely think it is worth persevering.
    Best wishes,
    Woolshopdirect have available a large selection of double knitting, random colour yarn, chunky, aran, pure alpaca, mohair, boucle, pure wool, 4-ply cones, baby yarn, knitting patterns and needles. GOOD VALUE - TOP CLASS SERVICE


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    i agree, i joined just before christmas and it's easier to use now that was then

    combined invoices are now possible and a paypal checkout to help make things simplier. got great hopes with the new look due on march 15th
    Sues Cross Stitch Kits

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