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Thread: Calling all Ebid Sellers

  1. #1
    Forum Diehard DaisyChain's Avatar
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    Default Calling all Ebid Sellers

    Hello all sellers, come in, take a seat, grab a drink and feel at ease.


    lets begin the meeting

    *watches tumbleweed go by*

    The upgrade to the site is near, and we are all hoping that are items which have sat unsold for months will suddenly be bidded upon by everyone that views the item........

    But being honest, that probably wont happen.

    Gaz and mark have done their bit, they are doing what we have asked of them. They are tidying up the venue, giving us our market space that we can be proud of.

    buit now, its our turn, the sellers.We have to pull together and make this site appealing to buyers, because at the moment 90% of items on here arnt appealing to buyers, if they were, we all be rich and farting on ebays face.

    So i ask this, lets together create a small code of conduct on for our listings. Not set in stone, but a guideline for us all to follow, in terms of our listings, to hopefully make this site the best it can.

    At the moment there are many many poor lazy listings, bad photos and whatnot.

    Lets make the listing the best we can, make them appealing to buyers, new and old, it will be surely beneficial for all.

    So id like to propose a couple of changes, people can consider and look at their listings:

    Reduce the amount of stock photos on all listings.

    Fairer prices in regards to postage & item prices.

    Improve Listing descriptions on all items.

    Maxium 48 hour response time to potential buyers query.

    Maxium 48 hour response time to sending out invoice.

    Im sure there are many more to add, so feel free to add them and we can see if we can get a decent list together.

    In regards to the above, we also need to help each other more in regards to questions asked on the board. If you dont knowan answer, then point them to someone who may know, instead of actually replying "i dont know".

    If sellers need help on writing a listing, then ask. need help on improving photographs? then ask, need help on whatever, ask, ask, ask.

    Ive probably bored people to death now, others have taken the cynadie given to them upon entrance to this topic, but i just think that if we stick to a set of rough guidelines, then we will improve the buyer experiance and make it better for ourselves

    Worth a try, isnt it
    Last edited by manstomar; 5th February 2007 at 01:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Diehard
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    I whole heartedly agree....For one I am constantly trying to ensure that the write ups on my listing are correct and explicit...The photographs as professional as possible...Prices, I know from experience with my website buyers are very reasonable...Postage fair, although buyers tend to forget that you have to provide all the secure wrappings etc and take a trip down the PO, which in some cases is miles into town....I have only been listing for a few weeks and as yet haven't had a sniff even...I really have tried for perfection, can I be doing everything wrong, I ask? OR selling the wrong things...That comment was just incase some other smarty thought of it..
    Last edited by bridalstudio; 5th February 2007 at 02:53 PM.

  3. #3


    I saw a comment elsewhere about prices as well, are our prices realistic, if folks can get it cheaper on ebay then they will go there. Ok so turnover here may be less and you feel obliged to increase prices to compensate, but why, it's not costing to list so you have no overheads on that score so we should be able to undercut the ebay prices, and get some action going.

    Manstomar is right we need to up our game and provide a first class buyer experience if the place is to succeed.

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  4. #4


    I'm not going to quote you, I agree, & I read it all!!
    That's the reason the How to make the most of your listings thread was started some months ago.
    (I'm off to bump it )

    I know you contributed, Bloxbooks, & a few others, & I know it has helped many new sellers here, but I'm sure there are more people with useful tips that could add to it, or if they don't like that thread start a new one.

    Nykmedia, said they were going to start a tutorial on building your own webpage to advertise/promote eBid, not sure when that's happening.

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  5. #5
    Forum Lurker cookie88's Avatar
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    I agree with whats being said, i have tried to steer the people i know in the real world to ebid but they say they can't find anything they want or it's cheaper at ebay...

    I list hair products, if you search google for several of the lines i offer i am there in the top 5 (thankyou ebid) my prices are less than the big sellers on ebay sometimes by as much as £5-6 (but still no sales) so ebay isn't always cheaper

    Someone suggested i put more in the description box so i am presently reviewing just how much i can put without making it a boring read

  6. #6


    I also agree with what is being said.
    I spend a lot of time to get my pictures right, my texts right without mistakes... I have also reduced my postage prices since leaving Ebay... If we all try to stick to these rules, it may help the all place looking better all the time.


    Just click on the following link to see my auctions.

  7. #7


    Manstomar I agree with all you say too - you talk a lot of sense but then don't we all in Barnsley You mention the 48 hour timescale for invoicing etc - if I am buying I sure like notification before that. I know as a buyer we will get the automated email to say we have won but I do think the personal touches count for so much. I just had a recent experience where I won and paid immediately for an item here and the first acknowledement I got from the seller was when the packet landed on the mat. Got to admit I was beginning to think I had been sucked in .
    I have only been here a month but what strikes me is that Ebid is more of a selling site than a bidding site and personally I am comfortable with that. The fact that we can offer a shop front for so little is amazing for me and for sure society's changing fast and online buying is where it's all at. It sure beats standing the market which I have done and markets and town centres is for sure a dying shopping experience. Barnsley my home town has had a Market Charter for centuries but lots of traders have packed up and those still there who I used to speak to agree that its not got long to go. Ok feel like I am going off at a tangent here but the point is we are all in a prime position to set out our shops and build those reputations ( Ok I know many of you are already there ) cos i firmly believe it's an area of growth

    Regarding the prices we each set I do feel we all know what we need to take to make all this worthwhile and it would be silly to put all the work and effort into a business that's not going to pay.

    Cookie I had a look at your hair products and see that they are all free P&P - what I would ask is does the potential buyer look that closely ?- I mean it's the actual cost that stands out on a listing or when browsing and so many buyers are used to having to consider addding P&P so maybe something to think about.
    Right I have rambled long enough Im off to get a coffee :0
    xxchris x
    "The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart" - Helen Keller
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  8. #8


    Well done manstomar - I also agree.
    I also admit if I am looking for something to buy I tend to visit different auction sites - although I do try and stay loyal to where I list.

    Most of my stuff is handmade but saying that I know the prices I sell at in the 'real world' and set my 'auction' prices at a lower rate to reflect the lower costs involved.

    I try always to acknowledge buyers/queries within 24 hours - less if possible and post out is normally within 24 hours of payment and I use the AAL then I know my buyers know what's happening.

    The bottom line for me is 'Treat your buyers as you would expect to be treated yourself'

    OK time for me to shut up.

  9. #9
    Forum Diehard DaisyChain's Avatar
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    Hey reikicris, funny you should mention Barnsley Market, i used to be a trader on the tuesday market myself

    You may have been a customer:O, such a small world.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by manstomar View Post
    Hey reikicris, funny you should mention Barnsley Market, i used to be a trader on the tuesday market myself

    You may have been a customer:O, such a small world.
    I was a friday one but sometimes had a mooch round the Tuesday one
    chris x
    "The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart" - Helen Keller
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