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Thread: Missing spaces in auction descriptions?

  1. #1

    Default Missing spaces in auction descriptions?

    Some of my auctions have a space character between two words missing that was there when I submitted them. Attempting to put the space back by updating an auction doesn't work usually, unless I use & nbsp instead.

    (There should be no space between & and n, but if I don't add one here all you'll see is a space, if you see what I mean.)

    I've noticed missing spaces on other auctions. Could this problem be sorted out please? Thanks.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Missing spaces in auction descriptions?

    I have also noticed this problem. I find that you can cure it by simply putting a space in as normal and then hitting return so the text appears to be on the next line (text wont actually be on a new line as no "<br>" was used.

    Would be grateful if this was fixed as it really bugs me. I like my listings to look perfect. lol

  3. #3

    Default Re: Missing spaces in auction descriptions?

    This is a stamdard feature of HTML.... several spaces always translate to a single space, usually at browser end. (Habitually I always put two spaces after punctuation as I have was taught long ago was good practice in typing, but it gets lost on web stuff.) The only sure way around this is to use & as already commented. Using a linefeed between spaces can't be guaranteed, and can get stripped out anyway (as in the case if you use the bulk upload spreadsheet).

    If you are trying to use spaces to align words, etc., then you are onto a loser anyway - everybodies computer, font size, screen size, window size, browser etc, is different and things move about. Easiest way to ensure things line up is to use a simple table.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Missing spaces in auction descriptions?

    (Hmm .... why can't I edit [or delete] posts in this particular forum, to correct typos I only noticed after hitting submit?)

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