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Thread: Can anyone help me????????

  1. #1

    Default Can anyone help me????????

    I was wondering if anyone can help me????

    About 3 1/2 yrs ago my mum had a spiritulist party for her birthday, at this party the spiritulist gave everyone who was there their own little personall reading in mine she told me things that were correct and no one else knew so i knew something was true about it all. Now at this party you were able to buy crystals which were on chains but you was able to ask it questions and as long as it was a yes or no answer then the crystal would answer. A lot of ppl said it was all in my head but each to there own and i believed in the crystal. In the begining of Dec 1999 i found out i was pregnant and as i had lost a baby before i asked the crystal if i would loose this 1 and the answer i got was NO!

    20th Decemeber 1999 my house caught fire with me inside it, i did manage to get out but i also got 26% burns all down the front of my body, so of course my first thought was for my unborn baby, even the doctors couldnt be sure that it would survive due to the fact of how many ops i would have to have.

    But against all odds my son was born healthy in June 2000.

    I lost the crystal in the fire but i would love to have another one i just dont know where i can find 1.
    I hope someone on here can help.


  2. #2

    Default Can anyone help me????????

    I was wondering if anyone can help me????

    About 3 1/2 yrs ago my mum had a spiritulist party for her birthday, at this party the spiritulist gave everyone who was there their own little personall reading in mine she told me things that were correct and no one else knew so i knew something was true about it all. Now at this party you were able to buy crystals which were on chains but you was able to ask it questions and as long as it was a yes or no answer then the crystal would answer. A lot of ppl said it was all in my head but each to there own and i believed in the crystal. In the begining of Dec 1999 i found out i was pregnant and as i had lost a baby before i asked the crystal if i would loose this 1 and the answer i got was NO!

    20th Decemeber 1999 my house caught fire with me inside it, i did manage to get out but i also got 26% burns all down the front of my body, so of course my first thought was for my unborn baby, even the doctors couldnt be sure that it would survive due to the fact of how many ops i would have to have.

    But against all odds my son was born healthy in June 2000.

    I lost the crystal in the fire but i would love to have another one i just dont know where i can find 1.
    I hope someone on here can help.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Can anyone help me????????

    was it a pendulum crystal ? these can be bought nearly everywhere that sells any thing to do with spiritulism ,just make sure you cleanse your new one , KP has a thread somewhere on crystals and how to cleanse them.

    Amazing stiory and I am so glad your sone was born un harmed :P

  4. #4

    Default Re: Can anyone help me????????

    was it a pendulum crystal ? these can be bought nearly everywhere that sells any thing to do with spiritulism ,just make sure you cleanse your new one , KP has a thread somewhere on crystals and how to cleanse them.

    Amazing stiory and I am so glad your sone was born un harmed :P

  5. #5

    Default Re: Can anyone help me????????

    Hi Kazz

    I havent got a clue what type of crystal it was :? :?

    I just wanted another one cus i think it bought my pregnancy luck

  6. #6

    Default Re: Can anyone help me????????

    Hi Kazz

    I havent got a clue what type of crystal it was :? :?

    I just wanted another one cus i think it bought my pregnancy luck

  7. #7

    Default Re: Can anyone help me????????

    Hi minky

    I have done a search for you , I think what you are after is here .........good;uck and let me know :P


  8. #8

    Default Re: Can anyone help me????????

    Hi minky

    I have done a search for you , I think what you are after is here .........good;uck and let me know :P


  9. #9

    Default Re: Can anyone help me????????

    Hi Minkey

    Sorry to hear about your house fire and your burns. Hope you recover from them with your ops soon.

    Congratulations on having a healthy baby! and I hope you find a crystal that will bring you more luck again for the future

  10. #10

    Default Re: Can anyone help me????????

    Hi Minkey

    Sorry to hear about your house fire and your burns. Hope you recover from them with your ops soon.

    Congratulations on having a healthy baby! and I hope you find a crystal that will bring you more luck again for the future

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