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Thread: Crystals and such things

  1. #1

    Default Crystals and such things

    anyone know of a site or can tell me what the healing properties of all the different crystals/stones are?

    If you can recommend a site that has pics to identify as well, that would be great

  2. #2

    Default Crystals and such things

    anyone know of a site or can tell me what the healing properties of all the different crystals/stones are?

    If you can recommend a site that has pics to identify as well, that would be great

  3. #3
    Forum Saint
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    Default Re: Crystals and such things

    I have some info which i will add later and will look through a few of the sites im a member of and see if i can come up with a link for you aswell :wink:

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Crystals and such things

    I have some info which i will add later and will look through a few of the sites im a member of and see if i can come up with a link for you aswell :wink:

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Crystals and such things


    Crystals,Stones & Gems Interpretations

    AGATE - A variety of chalcedony. Tones and strengthens body/mind. Imparts a sense of strength and courage. Facilitates ability to discern truth and accept circumstances. Grounding but energetic. Powerful healer. Works with chakras and attitudes according to color of stone. (pic. shown-Bluelace agate)

    ALEXANDRITE - A variety of chrysoberyl. Aids internal and external regeneration. Has positive influence on nervous system, spleen, pancreas. Helps to align mental and emotional body. Spiritual transformation and regeneration. Reflects highest potentials of unfoldment. Joy, oneness with life. Chakra: crown.

    AMAZONITE - A variety of feldspar. Soothes nervous system. Strengthens heart and physical body. Aids alignment of mental and etheric body. Brings joy and upliftment. Creative expression. Facilitates clearer vision of one's own harmful tendencies, making them easier to release. Chakra: throat. 4th and 5th chakras. Amazonite aids ability to release emotional grief by expressing it through creativity. Opens the connection between the thymus and throat. Promotes expression of emotion in order to heal and resolve them.

    AMBER - Fossilized resin from prehistoric pine trees. Exerts positive influence on endocrine system, spleen, heart. Healing, soothing, harmonizing. Electrically alive with solidified golden light. Stabilizes kundalini awakening. Activates altruistic nature. Spiritualizes the intellect. Chakras: navel, solar plexus, crown.3rd chakra (solar plexus) A highly calming stone that facilitates energy balancing and cleansing. Removes psychic attacks and energy draining from others. Used by healers as a protective shield against taking on others pain in healing work

    AMETHYST - A variety of quartz. Strengthens endocrine and immune systems. Enhances right brain activity and pineal and pituitary glands. Powerful blood cleanser and energizer. Helps mental disorders. Purification and regeneration on all levels of consciousness. Transmutes one's lower nature into the more highly refined aspects of their higher potentials. Physical representative of the Violet Ray of alchemy and transformation. Cuts through illusion. Enhances psychic abilities. Excellent for meditation. Aids channeling abilities. Calming strong protective qualities. Healing, divine love, inspiration, intuition. Chakras: third eye, crown. 7th chakra (crown) Opens spiritual awareness and awakening. Increases self-worth and spiritual peace. Aids in meditation, eases stress, helps insomnia. Use on the crown chakra to facilitate visualization and past life recall.

    Ametrine- 7th Chakra-Crown. Ametrine stabilizes the balance between spirituality and daily life, aids in bringing spiritual values to daily life, good for meditation and aids in working with spirit guides

    AQUAMARINE - A variety of beryl. Calms nerves, reduces fluid retention. Strengthens kidneys, liver, spleen, thyroid. Purifies the body. Enhances clarity of mind, aids creative self-expression. Physical, emotional, mental balancer. Helps banish fears and phobias. Excellent for meditation, inspiration, peace, calmness, love. Chakras: throat, solar plexus. 5th chakra. Aquamarine is used for many healing applications. From strengthening and healing, to calming and balancing. Aqua is an opener of the heart and throat allowing emotional understanding and expression of self

    ADVENTURINE - (Green) A variety of quartz. Purifies mental, emotional and etheric bodies. Aids in releasing anxiety and fear. Stimulates muscle tissue. Strengthens blood. Emotional tranquility, positive attitudes towards life. Brings one into alignment with their center. Independence, health, well being. Chakra: heart.

    ANGELITE - 5th chakra (throat) Stabilizes the emotional body, allows one to speak out with authority in group settings. Dispels fears, anger, and allows one to forgive. Some like to use Angelite to aid connection with the higher self, devas and spirit guides.

    AZURITE - Enhances flow of energy through nervous system (because of copper content). Helps body utilize oxygen. Strengthens blood. Facilitates clear meditation. Cuts through illusion. Enhances psychic abilities. Initiates transformation. Cleanses mental body. Inspiration, creativity, intuition. Chakras: third eye, throat. 6th chakra (third eye) Helps one to connect with the spirit guides, aids healers, meditators, and psychics. Increases psychic ability. Dissolves energy blocks and negativity.

    BLOOD STONE - A variety of chalcedony. Strengthens and oxygenates bloodstream. Enhances physical/mental vitality. Strengthens heart, spleen, bone marrow. Aids in balancing iron deficiencies. Reduces emotional /mental stress. Powerful physical healer. Stimulates movement of kundalini. Links root chakra with heart. Inner guidance, altruism, idealism. A highly evolved mineral. Chakras: root, heart.

    BLUE LACE AGATE -5th chakra. Blue Lace Agate allows ease of self expression, validates personal truth, and aids shyness. Physically this stone is used to soothe the throat

    CALCITE - Aids kidneys, pancreas, spleen. Balances male/female polarities. Alleviates fear, reduces stress. Emotionally balancing. Grounds excess energy. Increases capacity for astral projection. Joy, lightness. Works with chakras and attitudes according to color of stone.4th chakra (heart) This is a brand new calcite on the market called Emerald calcite for its lovely green color. This is a very deep healing heart chakra stone. I recommend it for healing those deepest issues of the heart such as love of self and others

    CARNELIAN - A variety of chalcedony. Very highly evolved mineral healer. Energizes blood. Aids kidneys, lungs, liver, gallbladder, pancreas. Aids tissue regeneration. Vitalizes physical/emotional/mental bodies. Aligns physical and etheric bodies. Enhances attunement with inner self. Facilitates concentration. Opens the heart. Warming social, joyous. Chakras: navel, solar plexus, heart. 2nd chakra. Carnelian has been used in healing work for ages. Some uses are for increasing physical energy, power, and creativity. Some like to use Carnelian to discover their personal talents

    CELESTITE - Enhances thyroid functions. Reduces stress. Relaxing, peace of mind. Accelerates growth. Aids personal creative expression. Helps one adjust to higher states of awareness. Truth reliability, clear speech. Chakra: throat.

    CHAROITE- 7th chakra, Charoite is a stone of the spirit, meaning it used to bring a spiritual life to your daily living. Allows us to get beyond the material world and physical body reality. Charoite heals the body by making us aware of karma and that there is a higher plan for each of us

    CHRYSOCOLLA - Aids in preventing ulcers, digestive problems, arthritic conditions. Strengthens lung and thyroid -.land. Enhances metabolism. Excellent for female disorders. Alleviates fears, guilt, tension. Helps clear subconscious imbalances. Activates feminine qualities. Amplifies throat chakra- creative expression, power, communication. Joy, emotional balance. Chakras: heart, throat. 5th chakra. Chrysocolla is an important stone for it releases grief, sadness, and fear from the throat chakra. Brings joy, certainty, and peace. Supports letting go of pain and worry

    CHRYSOPRASE - A variety of quartz. Balances neurotic patterns. Eases depression and sexual imbalance. Fertility. Calming, balancing, healing for physical, emotional, mental bodies. Helps one see into personal problems. Brings out inner talents. Lightheartedness, joy. Chakra: heart.4th chakra. This stone activates, opens, and energizes the heart chakra. Meditating with or wearing Chrysoprase can facilitate a deep heart connection with the Mother Earth

    CITRINE -A variety of quartz. Good for kidneys, colon, liver, gallbladder, digestive organs, heart. Tissue regeneration. Detoxifies physical/emotional mental bodies. Enhances body's healing energy. Diminishes self-destructive tendencies. Raises self esteem. Powerful alignment with Higher Self. Light- heartedness, cheerfulness, hope. Warming, energizing. Attracts abundance. Chakras: navel, crown.3rd chakra (solar plexus) Has been called "the merchant stone." Assists in acquiring wealth and to maintain the state of wealth. Useful in balancing energy

    COPPER - Influences flow of blood. Supplies strong energy to body/mind. Aids metabolism. Helps detoxify body. An aid for exhaustion and sexual imbalance. Aligns physical/emotional bodies. Raises self-esteem. Strong conductor of energy.

    DIAMOND - Enhances brain functions. Aids alignment of cranial bones. Breaks up blockages in crown chakra and in the personality. Master healer. Dispels negativity. Purifies physical/etheric bodies. Reflects will and power aspects of God. Enhances full spectrum of energies in body/mind/spirit. Alignment with higher self. Abundance, innocence purity, faithfulness. Chakras: all.

    DIOPTASE (Diopside)- Strengthens cardiovascular and central nervous systems. Excellent aid for ulcers, nervous stomach, heart troubles, blood pressure. Vitalizes, balances, tones body/mind. Emotional stability. Peace of mind. Excellent for use with healing and affirmations. Abundance, prosperity, progress, health, well being. Chakra: heart.

    EMERALD - A variety of beryl. Strengthens heart, liver, kidneys, nervous system, immune system. Tonic for body/mind/spirit. Aids alignments of subtle bodies. Enhances dreams, meditation, deeper spiritual insight. Represents the potential of divinity within us. Prosperity, love, kindness, tranquility, balance, healing, patience. Strong emotional balancer. Chakras: heart, solar plexus.

    FLUORITE - Strengthens teeth and bones. Improves absorption of vital nutrients. Beneficial for the blood vessels and spleen. Grounds excess energy. Excellent for advancement of mind, greater concentration, meditation. Helps one grasp higher, more abstract concepts. Facilitates inter-dimensional communication. Powerful healer. Works with chakras according to color of stone.

    GARNET - Strengthens, purifies, vitalizes and regenerates bodily systems, especially the bloodstream. Has strong affinity with root chakra, helping to harmonize the potent forces of kundalini. Stimulates pituitary gland. Aligns subtle bodies. Love, compassion. Enhances imagination. Chakra: root, heart.

    GOLD - Purifies and energizes physical body. Improves circulation, strengthens nervous system. Balances and develops heart chakra. Balances hemispheres of brain. Aids tissue regeneration. Attracts positive energy into aura. Amplifies thought forms. Aids personal illumination. Solar energy, male aspect. Chakras: navel, heart, and crown.

    HEMATITE - Has positive effect upon bloodstream. Activates spleen. Increases resistance to stress. Helps circulate oxygen throughout body. Strengthens physical/etheric bodies. Energizing, vitalizing. Enhances personal magnetism, optimism, will, courage. Slightly grounding. Powerful stone for those attracted to it.

    HERKIMER DIAMOND - A type of quartz crystal. Cleanses subtle bodies. Reduces stress. Balances and purifies energy within body/mind. Similar qualities as clear quartz. Powerful amplifier. Enhances inner vision. Increases awareness of dreams. Stores thought forms and information. Chakras: all.

    Howlite-White. Gently absorbs and uplifts stress, tension, anxiety, emotional intensity, etc. Quietly loving, calming. Works with the heart center, bringing greater gentleness, patience, tact. Helps bones, teeth, and other calcium aspects of body.

    JADE - Strengthens heart, kidneys, immune system. Helps cleanse blood. Increases longevity and fertility. Aids eye disorders and female problems. Powerful emotional balancer. Radiates divine, unconditional love. Clarity, modesty,courage,justice,wisdom. Peaceful and nurturing.Dispels negativity. Healing affinity will correspond to color of stone.

    JASPER - (All Colors) A variety of chalcedony. Strengthens liver, gallbladder, bladder. Powerful healer: main impact on physical body. Represents earth element. Works with chakras and attitudes according to color of stone.

    KUNZITE - (Pink Spodumene) High lithium content makes kunzite beneficial to individuals with addictive behavior. Strengthens cardiovascular system. Aids manic depression. Excellent balancer for physical/emotional/mental bodies. Powerful stone for opening/healing heart. Helps one surrender to higher self. Enhances self-esteem. Tolerance, acceptance. Soothing, calming. Chakra: heart.

    KYANITE - Strengthens throat chakra. Enhances creative expression, communication, truth, loyalty, reliability, serenity. Connection to causal plane. Facilitates astral/inter-dimensional travel. Chakras: throat, third eye.

    LAPIS LAZULI - Strengthens skeletal system. Activates thyroid gland. Releases tension and anxiety. Energizes throat chakra. Augments strength, vitality, virility Facilitates opening of chakras. Mental clarity, illumination. Enhances psychic abilities and communication with higher self and spirit guides. Creative- expression. Chakra: throat, third eye.

    LEPIDOLITE - Aids muscles, strengthens heart, beneficially influences blood. High lithium content aids emotional/mental balance and stability. Aids sleep. Enhances expression of one's inner light and joy. Chakra: heart.

    MALACHITE - Aids function of pancreas and spleen.,Reduces stress and tension. Aids tissue regeneration. Strengthens heart, circulatory system, pineal and pituitary glands. Aids sleep. Vitalizing for body and mind. Reveals subconscious blocks. Excellent balancer on all levels. Chakras: heart, solar plexus.

    MOLDAVITE - A deep green silica based tectite (meteorite) that fell to Earth 15 million years ago. Aids alignment with higher self. Balancing and healing for physical body/mind. Aids in channeling extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional. sources. Chakras: heart, third eye.

    MOONSTONE - Has healing affinity with stomach, spleen, pancreas, pituitary gland. Unblocks lymphatic system. Relieves anxiety and stress. Aids in berthing process, helps females problems. Emotional balancer; helps lessen tendency to over-react emotionally. Flexibility in attitudes. Aligns emotions with higher self. Chakra: root.

    OBSIDIAN - Beneficially influence stomach and intestines. Connects mind and emotions. Slightly masculine energy. Ground spiritual energy into physical plane. Absorbs and disperses negativity. Reduces stress. Helps clear subconscious blocks. Brings an understanding of silence and "the void." Detachment, but with wisdom and love. Powerful healer for those attuned to it Chakra: root.

    ONYX - A variety of chalcedony. Relieves stress. Balances male/female polarities. Strengthens bone marrow. Aids detachment. Enhances emotional balance and self-control. Higher inspiration. Works with chakras and attitudes according to color of stone.

    OPAL - Stimulates pineal and pituitary glands. Aids eyesight. Emotional balancer. Enhances intuition. The full spectrum of colors resonates with all chakras. Helps connection with highest aspects of being. Chakras: heart and others, depending on colors.

    PERIDOT - (Olivine) Balances glandular system. Aids tissue regeneration. Has beneficial influence on heart, pancreas, spleen, liver, adrenals. Purifies body. Enhances bloodstream. Overall balancer and tonic for body/mind. Aligns subtle bodies. Increases intuitive awareness. Reduces stress. Stimulates mind. Accelerates personal growth, opens new doors of opportunity. Chakras: navel, solar plexus, heart. 4th chakra. These wonderful bright green stones emit a warm and friendly energy. These are extremely large Peridot. They can be used to cleanse and to stimulate the heart and solar plexus chakras, bringing openness and acceptance to the intellectual pursuit of matters of love and relationships.

    PYRITE - Aids digestion, improves circulation. Strengthens and oxygenates blood. Enhances brain functions. Influences a more positive outlook on life. Enhances emotional body, strengthens will. Helps one's ability to work with others harmoniously. Practicality. Chakras: root, solar plexus, heart. Sunflower Pyrite is a shielding stone, protecting one from any negative energy. It protects the physical, etheric, and emotional levels. Should be carried when performing dangerous work. Pyrite is also a mental stone, used to stimulate the powers of the intellect. These sunflowers will be sure to lift your spirit

    QUARTZ CRYSTAL - (Clear) Enhances the crystalline properties of blood, body and mind. Activates and enhances pineal and pituitary glands. Emotional balancer. Stimulates brain functions. Amplifies thought forms. Full spectrum energy activates all levels of consciousness. Dispels negativity in one's energy field and in environment. Receives, activates, stores, transmits, and amplifies energy. Excellent for meditation. Enhances inter-dimensional communication with higher self and spirit guides. Chakras: all.

    RHODOCHROSITE - Aids spleen, kidneys, heart, pituitary gland and circulation of blood. Enhances memory and intellectual power. Emotional balancer. Helps heal emotional wounds and traumas. Aligns subtle bodies. Red/pink color helps to blend courage/will/passion aspects of lower chakras with loving expression of heart. Divine love, acceptance of self and life. Powerful healer for those attuned to this stone. Chakras: root, heart.

    RHODONITE - Aids the central nervous system, thyroid gland, body reflexes, pituitary gland, pancreas. Strengthens immunity. Improves memory. eases physical/emotional trauma. Reduces stress, calms mind. Aligns root and heart chakras for bringing love into action and manifestation (red and black variety). Self-esteem, confidence. Enhances energy levels in body/mind. Pink variety (without black) helps impart understanding of strength within vulnerability Great stone for light workers serving in cities. Chakras: root, heart.

    ROSE QUARTZ - Aids kidney and circulatory system. Increases fertility. Eases sexual/emotional imbalances. Helps clear stored anger, resentment, guilt, fear, jealousy. Reduces stress and tension, cools hot temper. Enhances self confidence and creativity. Aids development of forgiveness, compassion, love. Chakra: heart. 4th chakra (heart) This extremely gemmy gemstone promotes heart healing through self-love. Heals heartache and loneliness. Aids in opening the goddess within. (GEM ROSE IS THE MOST POWERFUL AND CLEAREST ENERGY)

    RUBY - Aids regeneration of physical/spiritual heart. Enhances circulation. Vitalizes blood and entire body/mind system. Strengthens immunity. Activates sluggish or dormant conditions on physical/spiritual levels. Refines lower passions. Courage, integrity, selflessness, vice, joy, spiritual devotion, power, leadership. Helps banish sense of limitation. Chakra: root, heart.Root chakra. Ruby intensifies life force energy in the root chakra and kundalini line. Stimulates the will to live and survive. Alleviates chronic fatigue and other environmental toxic diseases.

    RUTILATED QUARTZ - Regeneration of tissue throughout body. Enhances life-force. Strengthens immunity. Stimulates brain functions. Eases depression, facilitates inspiration, increases clairvoyance. Highly electrical, more intensity than clear quartz. Pierces through layers of physical/emotional/mental density. Transmute negativity. Enhances communication with higher self and spirit guides. Very powerful heater. Chakras: all.

    SAPPHIRE - Strengthens heart and kidneys. Activates pituitary gland, there by aiding entire glandular system. Aligns body/mind/spirit. Stimulates psychic abilities, clarity and inspiration. Creative expression, loyalty, love. Aids connection with higher self/spirit guides. Strengthens will. Expands cosmic awareness. Dispels confusion. Excellent for meditation. Chakras: throat, third eye. 5th chakra. Activates and manifests one's life purpose and karmic agreements for soul growth. Focuses intent and awareness. Brings one joy, prosperity and inner peace. Blue Sapphire is a powerful and transformative gemstone energy that may work rather quickly

    SELENITE - (Gypsum) Strengthens bones, teeth. Soothes nerves. Has positive effect on brain, aiding power of concentration and clarity. Enhances will power. Grounded white light. Chakra: crown. ALL chakras. A very powerful healing tool that you will surely use in every healing session. Selenite brings information from the Pleiades. Gives protection, energizes all chakras, and aids channeling

    SILVER - Enhances mental functions. Aids circulation. Strengthens blood, physically and etherically. Strengthens pineal and pituitary glands. Relieves stress. Relates to the moon, subconscious, female aspect. Emotional balance. Speech improvement. Excellent energy conductor.

    SMOKY QUARTZ - Strengthens adrenals, kidneys, pancreas. Increases fertility, balances sexual energy. Aids depression. Mildly sedative and relaxing. Initiates movement of kundalini. Dissipates subconscious blocks and negativity on all levels. Grounding, centering. Excellent for meditation. Enhances dream awareness and channeling abilities. Chakras: root, naval, solar plexus.

    SODALITE- Aids pancreas, balances the endocrine system, strengthens metabolism and lymphatic system. Balances male/female polarities. Alleviates fear. Slightly sedative, grounding. Clears the mind. Cuts through density and illusion, bringing clarity and truth. Enhances communication and creative expression. The qualities are similar to Lapis Lazuli. Chakras: throat, third eye. 6th chakra, Third eye. Balances the third eye. Encourages one to begin psychic visions, aids in letting go of control, soothes and heals the central nervous system.

    SUGILITE- Enhances functions of pineal, pituitary and adrenal glands. Activates and balances brain hemispheres. Strengthens heart. Aids physical healing and purification of bodily systems. Emotional balancer, reduces stress. Brings higher spiritual awareness into physical reality. Enhances sensitivity. Strong protective qualities. Excellent for meditation. Enhancing channeling abilities. Chakra: third eye, crown. 6th and 7th chakras. This stone does many things; it opens and clears the chakra system, aids living in the present rather than dwelling on the past or future, releases and heals despair and releases hostility.

    TIGER EYE- Variety of chalcedony (quartz). Beneficial for spleen, pancreas, digestive organs, colon. Emotional balancer. Enhances connection with personal power and will. Grounding, centering. Helps soften stubbornness. Enhances clear perception and insight. Slightly masculine energy. Chakras: navel, solar plexus. 3rd chakra (solar plexus) This is a great protection stone, use while traveling, also clears negative energy from the solar plexus area while returning negative energy to its sender!!!

    TOPAZ- Tissue regeneration. Strengthens liver, gallbladder, spleen, digestive organs, nervous systems. Detoxifies body. Warming, awakening, inspiring. Abundance. Chakras: navel, crown. Blue topaz- tissue regeneration. Strengthens thyroid gland, enhances metabolism. Emotional balance. Cooling, soothing, peace, tranquility. Creativity, self-expression. Enhances psychic perception, communication with higher self/spirit guides. Chakras: heart, throat, third eye.5th chakra. Allows one to feel anger and then to release it, helps to promote awareness of one's true feelings, finally this stone promotes surrender and forgiveness

    TOURMALINATED QUARTZ- Clear quartz with black tourmaline crystals inside. Balances male/female polarities. Aids in balancing extremes. Grounding, very protective, dissipates negativity. Combines forces of clear quartz and black tourmaline. Chakras: root, crown.This crystal displays the energetic qualities of Tourmaline and Quartz. This combination offers protection while you are on your journey of life. Good for grounding one with the energies of the Earth. Helps one to honor promises and life agreements.

    TOURMALINE- (All Colors) Aids balance of endocrine system. Aids sleep. Strengthens, vitalizes mind/body. Activates and enhances crystalline properties of body/mind. Aligns subtle bodies. Dispels fear and negative conditions. Strong protective influence. Concentration, inspiration. Enhances sensitivity and understanding-. Powerful healer, highly electromagnetic. The various colors will activate and align corresponding chakras. Black tourmaline (Schorl) - root.Watermelon tourmaline (red/green) - root, heart. Green tourmaline-heart. Blue tourmaline (Indicolite) - throat, third eye. Red/pink tourmaline (Rubellite) - root, heart.

    TURQUOISE- Tones, strengthens entire body. Tissue regeneration. Aids circulation, lungs, respiratory system. Aligns chakras. Enhances meditation. Creative expression, peace of mind, emotional balance, communication, friendship, loyalty. Chakra: throat. 5th chakra. Allows one to feel anger and then to release it, helps to promote awareness of one's true feelings, finally this stone promotes surrender and forgiveness.

    VARISCITE- Soothing, calming, balancing for body/mind. Aids blood, heart. Emotional stability. Helps one recall past lives. Self confidence. Abundance. Chakras: heart, solar plexus. Varacite brings us one love and understanding of our loved ones. Energizes heart chakra and promotes unconditional love and peace within. Very spiritual stones which the Native Americans use in ceremony.

    ZIRCON (Hyacinth)- Strengthens the mind. Aids bowels problems. Balances pituitary and pineal gland. Aligns subtle bodies. Emotional balance, self-esteem. Aids sleep. Similar properties as diamond and quartz crystal. All around healer. Chakra: all. Zircon crystals carry the energy of the first, third and fourth chakras; raising them to a higher level of intensity. Zircon is also about having everything come together in our lives; a connecting of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

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    Crystals,Stones & Gems Interpretations

    AGATE - A variety of chalcedony. Tones and strengthens body/mind. Imparts a sense of strength and courage. Facilitates ability to discern truth and accept circumstances. Grounding but energetic. Powerful healer. Works with chakras and attitudes according to color of stone. (pic. shown-Bluelace agate)

    ALEXANDRITE - A variety of chrysoberyl. Aids internal and external regeneration. Has positive influence on nervous system, spleen, pancreas. Helps to align mental and emotional body. Spiritual transformation and regeneration. Reflects highest potentials of unfoldment. Joy, oneness with life. Chakra: crown.

    AMAZONITE - A variety of feldspar. Soothes nervous system. Strengthens heart and physical body. Aids alignment of mental and etheric body. Brings joy and upliftment. Creative expression. Facilitates clearer vision of one's own harmful tendencies, making them easier to release. Chakra: throat. 4th and 5th chakras. Amazonite aids ability to release emotional grief by expressing it through creativity. Opens the connection between the thymus and throat. Promotes expression of emotion in order to heal and resolve them.

    AMBER - Fossilized resin from prehistoric pine trees. Exerts positive influence on endocrine system, spleen, heart. Healing, soothing, harmonizing. Electrically alive with solidified golden light. Stabilizes kundalini awakening. Activates altruistic nature. Spiritualizes the intellect. Chakras: navel, solar plexus, crown.3rd chakra (solar plexus) A highly calming stone that facilitates energy balancing and cleansing. Removes psychic attacks and energy draining from others. Used by healers as a protective shield against taking on others pain in healing work

    AMETHYST - A variety of quartz. Strengthens endocrine and immune systems. Enhances right brain activity and pineal and pituitary glands. Powerful blood cleanser and energizer. Helps mental disorders. Purification and regeneration on all levels of consciousness. Transmutes one's lower nature into the more highly refined aspects of their higher potentials. Physical representative of the Violet Ray of alchemy and transformation. Cuts through illusion. Enhances psychic abilities. Excellent for meditation. Aids channeling abilities. Calming strong protective qualities. Healing, divine love, inspiration, intuition. Chakras: third eye, crown. 7th chakra (crown) Opens spiritual awareness and awakening. Increases self-worth and spiritual peace. Aids in meditation, eases stress, helps insomnia. Use on the crown chakra to facilitate visualization and past life recall.

    Ametrine- 7th Chakra-Crown. Ametrine stabilizes the balance between spirituality and daily life, aids in bringing spiritual values to daily life, good for meditation and aids in working with spirit guides

    AQUAMARINE - A variety of beryl. Calms nerves, reduces fluid retention. Strengthens kidneys, liver, spleen, thyroid. Purifies the body. Enhances clarity of mind, aids creative self-expression. Physical, emotional, mental balancer. Helps banish fears and phobias. Excellent for meditation, inspiration, peace, calmness, love. Chakras: throat, solar plexus. 5th chakra. Aquamarine is used for many healing applications. From strengthening and healing, to calming and balancing. Aqua is an opener of the heart and throat allowing emotional understanding and expression of self

    ADVENTURINE - (Green) A variety of quartz. Purifies mental, emotional and etheric bodies. Aids in releasing anxiety and fear. Stimulates muscle tissue. Strengthens blood. Emotional tranquility, positive attitudes towards life. Brings one into alignment with their center. Independence, health, well being. Chakra: heart.

    ANGELITE - 5th chakra (throat) Stabilizes the emotional body, allows one to speak out with authority in group settings. Dispels fears, anger, and allows one to forgive. Some like to use Angelite to aid connection with the higher self, devas and spirit guides.

    AZURITE - Enhances flow of energy through nervous system (because of copper content). Helps body utilize oxygen. Strengthens blood. Facilitates clear meditation. Cuts through illusion. Enhances psychic abilities. Initiates transformation. Cleanses mental body. Inspiration, creativity, intuition. Chakras: third eye, throat. 6th chakra (third eye) Helps one to connect with the spirit guides, aids healers, meditators, and psychics. Increases psychic ability. Dissolves energy blocks and negativity.

    BLOOD STONE - A variety of chalcedony. Strengthens and oxygenates bloodstream. Enhances physical/mental vitality. Strengthens heart, spleen, bone marrow. Aids in balancing iron deficiencies. Reduces emotional /mental stress. Powerful physical healer. Stimulates movement of kundalini. Links root chakra with heart. Inner guidance, altruism, idealism. A highly evolved mineral. Chakras: root, heart.

    BLUE LACE AGATE -5th chakra. Blue Lace Agate allows ease of self expression, validates personal truth, and aids shyness. Physically this stone is used to soothe the throat

    CALCITE - Aids kidneys, pancreas, spleen. Balances male/female polarities. Alleviates fear, reduces stress. Emotionally balancing. Grounds excess energy. Increases capacity for astral projection. Joy, lightness. Works with chakras and attitudes according to color of stone.4th chakra (heart) This is a brand new calcite on the market called Emerald calcite for its lovely green color. This is a very deep healing heart chakra stone. I recommend it for healing those deepest issues of the heart such as love of self and others

    CARNELIAN - A variety of chalcedony. Very highly evolved mineral healer. Energizes blood. Aids kidneys, lungs, liver, gallbladder, pancreas. Aids tissue regeneration. Vitalizes physical/emotional/mental bodies. Aligns physical and etheric bodies. Enhances attunement with inner self. Facilitates concentration. Opens the heart. Warming social, joyous. Chakras: navel, solar plexus, heart. 2nd chakra. Carnelian has been used in healing work for ages. Some uses are for increasing physical energy, power, and creativity. Some like to use Carnelian to discover their personal talents

    CELESTITE - Enhances thyroid functions. Reduces stress. Relaxing, peace of mind. Accelerates growth. Aids personal creative expression. Helps one adjust to higher states of awareness. Truth reliability, clear speech. Chakra: throat.

    CHAROITE- 7th chakra, Charoite is a stone of the spirit, meaning it used to bring a spiritual life to your daily living. Allows us to get beyond the material world and physical body reality. Charoite heals the body by making us aware of karma and that there is a higher plan for each of us

    CHRYSOCOLLA - Aids in preventing ulcers, digestive problems, arthritic conditions. Strengthens lung and thyroid -.land. Enhances metabolism. Excellent for female disorders. Alleviates fears, guilt, tension. Helps clear subconscious imbalances. Activates feminine qualities. Amplifies throat chakra- creative expression, power, communication. Joy, emotional balance. Chakras: heart, throat. 5th chakra. Chrysocolla is an important stone for it releases grief, sadness, and fear from the throat chakra. Brings joy, certainty, and peace. Supports letting go of pain and worry

    CHRYSOPRASE - A variety of quartz. Balances neurotic patterns. Eases depression and sexual imbalance. Fertility. Calming, balancing, healing for physical, emotional, mental bodies. Helps one see into personal problems. Brings out inner talents. Lightheartedness, joy. Chakra: heart.4th chakra. This stone activates, opens, and energizes the heart chakra. Meditating with or wearing Chrysoprase can facilitate a deep heart connection with the Mother Earth

    CITRINE -A variety of quartz. Good for kidneys, colon, liver, gallbladder, digestive organs, heart. Tissue regeneration. Detoxifies physical/emotional mental bodies. Enhances body's healing energy. Diminishes self-destructive tendencies. Raises self esteem. Powerful alignment with Higher Self. Light- heartedness, cheerfulness, hope. Warming, energizing. Attracts abundance. Chakras: navel, crown.3rd chakra (solar plexus) Has been called "the merchant stone." Assists in acquiring wealth and to maintain the state of wealth. Useful in balancing energy

    COPPER - Influences flow of blood. Supplies strong energy to body/mind. Aids metabolism. Helps detoxify body. An aid for exhaustion and sexual imbalance. Aligns physical/emotional bodies. Raises self-esteem. Strong conductor of energy.

    DIAMOND - Enhances brain functions. Aids alignment of cranial bones. Breaks up blockages in crown chakra and in the personality. Master healer. Dispels negativity. Purifies physical/etheric bodies. Reflects will and power aspects of God. Enhances full spectrum of energies in body/mind/spirit. Alignment with higher self. Abundance, innocence purity, faithfulness. Chakras: all.

    DIOPTASE (Diopside)- Strengthens cardiovascular and central nervous systems. Excellent aid for ulcers, nervous stomach, heart troubles, blood pressure. Vitalizes, balances, tones body/mind. Emotional stability. Peace of mind. Excellent for use with healing and affirmations. Abundance, prosperity, progress, health, well being. Chakra: heart.

    EMERALD - A variety of beryl. Strengthens heart, liver, kidneys, nervous system, immune system. Tonic for body/mind/spirit. Aids alignments of subtle bodies. Enhances dreams, meditation, deeper spiritual insight. Represents the potential of divinity within us. Prosperity, love, kindness, tranquility, balance, healing, patience. Strong emotional balancer. Chakras: heart, solar plexus.

    FLUORITE - Strengthens teeth and bones. Improves absorption of vital nutrients. Beneficial for the blood vessels and spleen. Grounds excess energy. Excellent for advancement of mind, greater concentration, meditation. Helps one grasp higher, more abstract concepts. Facilitates inter-dimensional communication. Powerful healer. Works with chakras according to color of stone.

    GARNET - Strengthens, purifies, vitalizes and regenerates bodily systems, especially the bloodstream. Has strong affinity with root chakra, helping to harmonize the potent forces of kundalini. Stimulates pituitary gland. Aligns subtle bodies. Love, compassion. Enhances imagination. Chakra: root, heart.

    GOLD - Purifies and energizes physical body. Improves circulation, strengthens nervous system. Balances and develops heart chakra. Balances hemispheres of brain. Aids tissue regeneration. Attracts positive energy into aura. Amplifies thought forms. Aids personal illumination. Solar energy, male aspect. Chakras: navel, heart, and crown.

    HEMATITE - Has positive effect upon bloodstream. Activates spleen. Increases resistance to stress. Helps circulate oxygen throughout body. Strengthens physical/etheric bodies. Energizing, vitalizing. Enhances personal magnetism, optimism, will, courage. Slightly grounding. Powerful stone for those attracted to it.

    HERKIMER DIAMOND - A type of quartz crystal. Cleanses subtle bodies. Reduces stress. Balances and purifies energy within body/mind. Similar qualities as clear quartz. Powerful amplifier. Enhances inner vision. Increases awareness of dreams. Stores thought forms and information. Chakras: all.

    Howlite-White. Gently absorbs and uplifts stress, tension, anxiety, emotional intensity, etc. Quietly loving, calming. Works with the heart center, bringing greater gentleness, patience, tact. Helps bones, teeth, and other calcium aspects of body.

    JADE - Strengthens heart, kidneys, immune system. Helps cleanse blood. Increases longevity and fertility. Aids eye disorders and female problems. Powerful emotional balancer. Radiates divine, unconditional love. Clarity, modesty,courage,justice,wisdom. Peaceful and nurturing.Dispels negativity. Healing affinity will correspond to color of stone.

    JASPER - (All Colors) A variety of chalcedony. Strengthens liver, gallbladder, bladder. Powerful healer: main impact on physical body. Represents earth element. Works with chakras and attitudes according to color of stone.

    KUNZITE - (Pink Spodumene) High lithium content makes kunzite beneficial to individuals with addictive behavior. Strengthens cardiovascular system. Aids manic depression. Excellent balancer for physical/emotional/mental bodies. Powerful stone for opening/healing heart. Helps one surrender to higher self. Enhances self-esteem. Tolerance, acceptance. Soothing, calming. Chakra: heart.

    KYANITE - Strengthens throat chakra. Enhances creative expression, communication, truth, loyalty, reliability, serenity. Connection to causal plane. Facilitates astral/inter-dimensional travel. Chakras: throat, third eye.

    LAPIS LAZULI - Strengthens skeletal system. Activates thyroid gland. Releases tension and anxiety. Energizes throat chakra. Augments strength, vitality, virility Facilitates opening of chakras. Mental clarity, illumination. Enhances psychic abilities and communication with higher self and spirit guides. Creative- expression. Chakra: throat, third eye.

    LEPIDOLITE - Aids muscles, strengthens heart, beneficially influences blood. High lithium content aids emotional/mental balance and stability. Aids sleep. Enhances expression of one's inner light and joy. Chakra: heart.

    MALACHITE - Aids function of pancreas and spleen.,Reduces stress and tension. Aids tissue regeneration. Strengthens heart, circulatory system, pineal and pituitary glands. Aids sleep. Vitalizing for body and mind. Reveals subconscious blocks. Excellent balancer on all levels. Chakras: heart, solar plexus.

    MOLDAVITE - A deep green silica based tectite (meteorite) that fell to Earth 15 million years ago. Aids alignment with higher self. Balancing and healing for physical body/mind. Aids in channeling extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional. sources. Chakras: heart, third eye.

    MOONSTONE - Has healing affinity with stomach, spleen, pancreas, pituitary gland. Unblocks lymphatic system. Relieves anxiety and stress. Aids in berthing process, helps females problems. Emotional balancer; helps lessen tendency to over-react emotionally. Flexibility in attitudes. Aligns emotions with higher self. Chakra: root.

    OBSIDIAN - Beneficially influence stomach and intestines. Connects mind and emotions. Slightly masculine energy. Ground spiritual energy into physical plane. Absorbs and disperses negativity. Reduces stress. Helps clear subconscious blocks. Brings an understanding of silence and "the void." Detachment, but with wisdom and love. Powerful healer for those attuned to it Chakra: root.

    ONYX - A variety of chalcedony. Relieves stress. Balances male/female polarities. Strengthens bone marrow. Aids detachment. Enhances emotional balance and self-control. Higher inspiration. Works with chakras and attitudes according to color of stone.

    OPAL - Stimulates pineal and pituitary glands. Aids eyesight. Emotional balancer. Enhances intuition. The full spectrum of colors resonates with all chakras. Helps connection with highest aspects of being. Chakras: heart and others, depending on colors.

    PERIDOT - (Olivine) Balances glandular system. Aids tissue regeneration. Has beneficial influence on heart, pancreas, spleen, liver, adrenals. Purifies body. Enhances bloodstream. Overall balancer and tonic for body/mind. Aligns subtle bodies. Increases intuitive awareness. Reduces stress. Stimulates mind. Accelerates personal growth, opens new doors of opportunity. Chakras: navel, solar plexus, heart. 4th chakra. These wonderful bright green stones emit a warm and friendly energy. These are extremely large Peridot. They can be used to cleanse and to stimulate the heart and solar plexus chakras, bringing openness and acceptance to the intellectual pursuit of matters of love and relationships.

    PYRITE - Aids digestion, improves circulation. Strengthens and oxygenates blood. Enhances brain functions. Influences a more positive outlook on life. Enhances emotional body, strengthens will. Helps one's ability to work with others harmoniously. Practicality. Chakras: root, solar plexus, heart. Sunflower Pyrite is a shielding stone, protecting one from any negative energy. It protects the physical, etheric, and emotional levels. Should be carried when performing dangerous work. Pyrite is also a mental stone, used to stimulate the powers of the intellect. These sunflowers will be sure to lift your spirit

    QUARTZ CRYSTAL - (Clear) Enhances the crystalline properties of blood, body and mind. Activates and enhances pineal and pituitary glands. Emotional balancer. Stimulates brain functions. Amplifies thought forms. Full spectrum energy activates all levels of consciousness. Dispels negativity in one's energy field and in environment. Receives, activates, stores, transmits, and amplifies energy. Excellent for meditation. Enhances inter-dimensional communication with higher self and spirit guides. Chakras: all.

    RHODOCHROSITE - Aids spleen, kidneys, heart, pituitary gland and circulation of blood. Enhances memory and intellectual power. Emotional balancer. Helps heal emotional wounds and traumas. Aligns subtle bodies. Red/pink color helps to blend courage/will/passion aspects of lower chakras with loving expression of heart. Divine love, acceptance of self and life. Powerful healer for those attuned to this stone. Chakras: root, heart.

    RHODONITE - Aids the central nervous system, thyroid gland, body reflexes, pituitary gland, pancreas. Strengthens immunity. Improves memory. eases physical/emotional trauma. Reduces stress, calms mind. Aligns root and heart chakras for bringing love into action and manifestation (red and black variety). Self-esteem, confidence. Enhances energy levels in body/mind. Pink variety (without black) helps impart understanding of strength within vulnerability Great stone for light workers serving in cities. Chakras: root, heart.

    ROSE QUARTZ - Aids kidney and circulatory system. Increases fertility. Eases sexual/emotional imbalances. Helps clear stored anger, resentment, guilt, fear, jealousy. Reduces stress and tension, cools hot temper. Enhances self confidence and creativity. Aids development of forgiveness, compassion, love. Chakra: heart. 4th chakra (heart) This extremely gemmy gemstone promotes heart healing through self-love. Heals heartache and loneliness. Aids in opening the goddess within. (GEM ROSE IS THE MOST POWERFUL AND CLEAREST ENERGY)

    RUBY - Aids regeneration of physical/spiritual heart. Enhances circulation. Vitalizes blood and entire body/mind system. Strengthens immunity. Activates sluggish or dormant conditions on physical/spiritual levels. Refines lower passions. Courage, integrity, selflessness, vice, joy, spiritual devotion, power, leadership. Helps banish sense of limitation. Chakra: root, heart.Root chakra. Ruby intensifies life force energy in the root chakra and kundalini line. Stimulates the will to live and survive. Alleviates chronic fatigue and other environmental toxic diseases.

    RUTILATED QUARTZ - Regeneration of tissue throughout body. Enhances life-force. Strengthens immunity. Stimulates brain functions. Eases depression, facilitates inspiration, increases clairvoyance. Highly electrical, more intensity than clear quartz. Pierces through layers of physical/emotional/mental density. Transmute negativity. Enhances communication with higher self and spirit guides. Very powerful heater. Chakras: all.

    SAPPHIRE - Strengthens heart and kidneys. Activates pituitary gland, there by aiding entire glandular system. Aligns body/mind/spirit. Stimulates psychic abilities, clarity and inspiration. Creative expression, loyalty, love. Aids connection with higher self/spirit guides. Strengthens will. Expands cosmic awareness. Dispels confusion. Excellent for meditation. Chakras: throat, third eye. 5th chakra. Activates and manifests one's life purpose and karmic agreements for soul growth. Focuses intent and awareness. Brings one joy, prosperity and inner peace. Blue Sapphire is a powerful and transformative gemstone energy that may work rather quickly

    SELENITE - (Gypsum) Strengthens bones, teeth. Soothes nerves. Has positive effect on brain, aiding power of concentration and clarity. Enhances will power. Grounded white light. Chakra: crown. ALL chakras. A very powerful healing tool that you will surely use in every healing session. Selenite brings information from the Pleiades. Gives protection, energizes all chakras, and aids channeling

    SILVER - Enhances mental functions. Aids circulation. Strengthens blood, physically and etherically. Strengthens pineal and pituitary glands. Relieves stress. Relates to the moon, subconscious, female aspect. Emotional balance. Speech improvement. Excellent energy conductor.

    SMOKY QUARTZ - Strengthens adrenals, kidneys, pancreas. Increases fertility, balances sexual energy. Aids depression. Mildly sedative and relaxing. Initiates movement of kundalini. Dissipates subconscious blocks and negativity on all levels. Grounding, centering. Excellent for meditation. Enhances dream awareness and channeling abilities. Chakras: root, naval, solar plexus.

    SODALITE- Aids pancreas, balances the endocrine system, strengthens metabolism and lymphatic system. Balances male/female polarities. Alleviates fear. Slightly sedative, grounding. Clears the mind. Cuts through density and illusion, bringing clarity and truth. Enhances communication and creative expression. The qualities are similar to Lapis Lazuli. Chakras: throat, third eye. 6th chakra, Third eye. Balances the third eye. Encourages one to begin psychic visions, aids in letting go of control, soothes and heals the central nervous system.

    SUGILITE- Enhances functions of pineal, pituitary and adrenal glands. Activates and balances brain hemispheres. Strengthens heart. Aids physical healing and purification of bodily systems. Emotional balancer, reduces stress. Brings higher spiritual awareness into physical reality. Enhances sensitivity. Strong protective qualities. Excellent for meditation. Enhancing channeling abilities. Chakra: third eye, crown. 6th and 7th chakras. This stone does many things; it opens and clears the chakra system, aids living in the present rather than dwelling on the past or future, releases and heals despair and releases hostility.

    TIGER EYE- Variety of chalcedony (quartz). Beneficial for spleen, pancreas, digestive organs, colon. Emotional balancer. Enhances connection with personal power and will. Grounding, centering. Helps soften stubbornness. Enhances clear perception and insight. Slightly masculine energy. Chakras: navel, solar plexus. 3rd chakra (solar plexus) This is a great protection stone, use while traveling, also clears negative energy from the solar plexus area while returning negative energy to its sender!!!

    TOPAZ- Tissue regeneration. Strengthens liver, gallbladder, spleen, digestive organs, nervous systems. Detoxifies body. Warming, awakening, inspiring. Abundance. Chakras: navel, crown. Blue topaz- tissue regeneration. Strengthens thyroid gland, enhances metabolism. Emotional balance. Cooling, soothing, peace, tranquility. Creativity, self-expression. Enhances psychic perception, communication with higher self/spirit guides. Chakras: heart, throat, third eye.5th chakra. Allows one to feel anger and then to release it, helps to promote awareness of one's true feelings, finally this stone promotes surrender and forgiveness

    TOURMALINATED QUARTZ- Clear quartz with black tourmaline crystals inside. Balances male/female polarities. Aids in balancing extremes. Grounding, very protective, dissipates negativity. Combines forces of clear quartz and black tourmaline. Chakras: root, crown.This crystal displays the energetic qualities of Tourmaline and Quartz. This combination offers protection while you are on your journey of life. Good for grounding one with the energies of the Earth. Helps one to honor promises and life agreements.

    TOURMALINE- (All Colors) Aids balance of endocrine system. Aids sleep. Strengthens, vitalizes mind/body. Activates and enhances crystalline properties of body/mind. Aligns subtle bodies. Dispels fear and negative conditions. Strong protective influence. Concentration, inspiration. Enhances sensitivity and understanding-. Powerful healer, highly electromagnetic. The various colors will activate and align corresponding chakras. Black tourmaline (Schorl) - root.Watermelon tourmaline (red/green) - root, heart. Green tourmaline-heart. Blue tourmaline (Indicolite) - throat, third eye. Red/pink tourmaline (Rubellite) - root, heart.

    TURQUOISE- Tones, strengthens entire body. Tissue regeneration. Aids circulation, lungs, respiratory system. Aligns chakras. Enhances meditation. Creative expression, peace of mind, emotional balance, communication, friendship, loyalty. Chakra: throat. 5th chakra. Allows one to feel anger and then to release it, helps to promote awareness of one's true feelings, finally this stone promotes surrender and forgiveness.

    VARISCITE- Soothing, calming, balancing for body/mind. Aids blood, heart. Emotional stability. Helps one recall past lives. Self confidence. Abundance. Chakras: heart, solar plexus. Varacite brings us one love and understanding of our loved ones. Energizes heart chakra and promotes unconditional love and peace within. Very spiritual stones which the Native Americans use in ceremony.

    ZIRCON (Hyacinth)- Strengthens the mind. Aids bowels problems. Balances pituitary and pineal gland. Aligns subtle bodies. Emotional balance, self-esteem. Aids sleep. Similar properties as diamond and quartz crystal. All around healer. Chakra: all. Zircon crystals carry the energy of the first, third and fourth chakras; raising them to a higher level of intensity. Zircon is also about having everything come together in our lives; a connecting of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

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