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View Poll Results: What pets do you keep

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  • Fish

    1 5.26%
  • Reptiles

    0 0%
  • fluffy pets ( dogs cats rabbits etc)

    15 78.95%
  • other: put i your post what other

    0 0%
  • i dont have a pet

    3 15.79%
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Thread: Pet

  1. #11


    Pet Hair Free Here.

    lol ... just read that back ( im not giving away pet hair ) i am petless

  2. #12


    I couldn't choose a category in the poll as I am a multi-pet household. At this moment I have one dog, six cats, two budgies, one royal python and six fish tanks.
    We've always had pets of one type or another, can't imagine not having any!
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  3. #13


    I've ony got 2 dogs & one cat at the moment, least pets I've ever had.

    Reptiles aren't really my thing, tho I'm not afraid of them, & am happy to pick them up, just don't like the feeding habits of some of them. My nephew has a corn snake, I couldn't feed it with dead mice because I can't bear to touch anything dead.

    I've had pets around me all of my life, as have my 2 sisters, I think the most fish tanks (tropical) we ever had was 40 ish.
    In the late 60's to the late 70's we used to breed zebras, swords,platys, mollies,angels, neons, barbs, siamese fighters, gouramies. Dad had a discus, he called him Herbert.

    Also bred, rabbits, cavies, hamsters, gerbils, rats, mice, budgies & canaries, persian cats. Used to show the rabbits & cavies. Mum had a pair of chinchillas, which back then weren't usually kept as pets.

    Once we'd left school, had two ponies & a donkey as well, (I had my pony from when he was 14 months old, til he died at age 24) I think my sister had 7 horses at one time. I had goats, ducks, chickens & a few quail.

    I'd love at least a couple more dogs & cats, but pet keeping is pretty expensive these days.

    If I got the chance, I'd have ducks, chickens & goats again, always fancied a few geese as well.

    MAHATMA GANDHI - "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated."

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  4. #14


    In the 70's I used to breed Discus, Angel Fish, and Oscars for a fish house. We also bred a few bristle nose catfish. They featured them in the Tropical fish magazine I subscribed to. Apparently we were the only people breeding them in the UK at the time. I was told I was the first person to successfully breed them here, but I'm not certain of that. I made a lot of money from breeding the old fashioned small guppies with sword tails and scarf tails. I don't like the Japanese imports. Too big, and though the colours are good, they have none of the charm of the small type. I also bred Killifish. People paid good money to have an envelope containing a few eggs in peat.
    Siamese fighters were a nuisance. The male would often kill the female as soon as she laid the eggs, so it was difficult to keep a particularly good colour line going.
    The worst fish was a Clarius catfish. It used to get out of his tank no matter how we weighted the lid down. He used to give out a very nasty electric shock when you picked him up to put him back in his tank, or if you were daft enough to put your hand in the water. He was at least safe from cat attacks.
    I had 14 tanks from 3' to 6' long. Rather a lot for a small cottage, but they acted like storage radiators and we were always warm.

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