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Thread: True but strange

  1. #1

    Default True but strange

    Dont know if this is irrelevant but here goes anyway, 5 years ago the wifes dad passed away, and that same week the youngest son who was 4 at the time was really ill he was in our bed with a high temperature, the wife woke up and the room was cold and she could smell a tobacco type smell that her dad smoked, on the day we went to spread his ashes i could smell the same tobacco smell that the wife smelt a couple of days previous,
    any explanations for this or was it just our minds playing tricks :?:

  2. #2

    Default True but strange

    Dont know if this is irrelevant but here goes anyway, 5 years ago the wifes dad passed away, and that same week the youngest son who was 4 at the time was really ill he was in our bed with a high temperature, the wife woke up and the room was cold and she could smell a tobacco type smell that her dad smoked, on the day we went to spread his ashes i could smell the same tobacco smell that the wife smelt a couple of days previous,
    any explanations for this or was it just our minds playing tricks :?:

  3. #3

    Default Re: True but strange

    Very often a spirit that hasnt moved on will often leave a familier smell that you will always remember/know them by ....it is usualy 'the transition period'....and very often it is because someone needs to 'let' them go in the pyschical world so that they can move on in the spiritual world/side......hope this makes sense to you and your family ...xxx

  4. #4

    Default Re: True but strange

    Very often a spirit that hasnt moved on will often leave a familier smell that you will always remember/know them by ....it is usualy 'the transition period'....and very often it is because someone needs to 'let' them go in the pyschical world so that they can move on in the spiritual world/side......hope this makes sense to you and your family ...xxx

  5. #5

    Default Re: True but strange

    Some people might say it was just your imagination, but i dont think so at all, these things can and do happen. Kazzi explained it in the best possible way!

    I had a bit of an experience, when my grandad was in hospital after having a stroke the family knew this was probably his last few days. One morning i woke up, sat bolt up right and what seemed like my grandad talking to me and saying goodbye(this was 2am). I felt a bit shaken up and even texted my dad who went down to be with him in Cornwall. I got no reply, so i managed to drift off asleep again. By 8am my dad was on the phone saying grandad had passed away, after a round of tears i asked him when he left us. My dad replied around 2am, i was shocked! Grandad did remember me as his life was ending...
    A few days later this became the topic in the family, my brother, my dad(who was staying in a nearby hotel to the hospital) and my uncle all had this exact thing happen to them which did to me. Even now nearly 1 and a half years on i still feel my grandad is with me at times.

    Hope you didnt mind me sharing my story!

  6. #6

    Default Re: True but strange

    Some people might say it was just your imagination, but i dont think so at all, these things can and do happen. Kazzi explained it in the best possible way!

    I had a bit of an experience, when my grandad was in hospital after having a stroke the family knew this was probably his last few days. One morning i woke up, sat bolt up right and what seemed like my grandad talking to me and saying goodbye(this was 2am). I felt a bit shaken up and even texted my dad who went down to be with him in Cornwall. I got no reply, so i managed to drift off asleep again. By 8am my dad was on the phone saying grandad had passed away, after a round of tears i asked him when he left us. My dad replied around 2am, i was shocked! Grandad did remember me as his life was ending...
    A few days later this became the topic in the family, my brother, my dad(who was staying in a nearby hotel to the hospital) and my uncle all had this exact thing happen to them which did to me. Even now nearly 1 and a half years on i still feel my grandad is with me at times.

    Hope you didnt mind me sharing my story!

  7. #7

    Default Re: True but strange

    Thanks for replies and explanations, it was something that i always wonderd about, 5 years on and i still dont sit in his armchair when we visit the wifes mum, dont ask me why because i just dont know, its his chair and no one was allowed to sit in it if you did you were soon evicted from it.

  8. #8

    Default Re: True but strange

    Thanks for replies and explanations, it was something that i always wonderd about, 5 years on and i still dont sit in his armchair when we visit the wifes mum, dont ask me why because i just dont know, its his chair and no one was allowed to sit in it if you did you were soon evicted from it.

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