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Thread: New to Ebid - How is it in the world of Spiritual and Metaphysical

  1. #1

    Smile New to Ebid - How is it in the world of Spiritual and Metaphysical

    Hi there, am new to e-bid just upgraded and opened a store, I have been selling on the "other" auction site for a while as well as doing home sales and fairs near where i live.

    Bit slow to say the least at the moment, have not had hardly any views let alone bids, any feedback on my store would be welcome!

    I am a pagan and sort of new-age in my beliefs, I worship the god/goddess and I suppose I am kind of Hedgewitch as in I belive in nature and magic etc.

    I have been writing for some time after a change in our families lifestyle, my husband was diagnosed with a long term illness recently which has made us change the way we live, our quality of life is so important now, previously I had a career in Psychiatry and was a mental health nurse, we then managed a holistic health centre, but now we dont do too much at all, our stress levels are down and we feel much better.

    Would love to chat and socialise within this forum, and look forward to hearing from like minded people.

    Please take a look at my shop and let me know what you think?

    Bright blessings


  2. #2

    Default patina here, regression therapist

    Re: your husband's illness, have you sourced it through a past-life regression therapist? They can often resolve maladies that would otherwise go unresolved. As an RT/regression therapist, we simply use a transpersonal form of hypnosis to source the cause/s of the problem, take the client thru those times, request reciprocal forgiveness of all parties, and the issue/problem/malady disapates seamlessly. We resolve migrain headaches, phobias, panic attacks, allergies, tinitus, and people problems usually within one session. While we are based in miami, we do do lectures/demonstrations/teaching in europe, usually from a base in lisbon. The UK should be rich in those that do this work, if not we can find you someone in one of several global directories. . . . we may be e mailed at regression.works@gmail.com

  3. #3


    Hello Julia, and welcome to Ebid! I wish you much success here with your store, which by the way looks very interesting! There is a lot of interest in the kind of goods you sell recently, more and more people are turning to the alternative view. So hopefully you will find your 'little corner' here! Have you advertised your goods on the pimp thread? It all helps!
    I am really sorry to hear of your husbands illness, my thoughts go out to you both. You might have already considered this, but have you thought of seeing a spiritual healer? I have had positive results in the past from visiting one, so would recommend trying it.
    Also, why not come to the kitchen table forum and meet the other regulars here? You will get a warm welcome and make many new friends, I promise!
    Wishing you well,

  4. #4


    Thanks for your message Pauline, yes we do see spiritual healers often, my best friend is a healer and of great support.

    Really hoping more than anything to make a success of selling on auction sites, I am listed on 4 auction sites in the uk, and unfortunatly Ebay is the only one so far that I make sales on.

    E-bid seems really friendly and the site and fees wonderful compared to ebay, there seems to be a lot of people selling but not to many people buying, hopefully this will improve!

    Will try to join other forums as you suggested, not really me though to really push myself out there as it were, but should try.

    As for cats, they are the best thing ever, we have four currently and they have taken over our home, my favourite is Dumble, a big tabby and white male with the most beautiful face and markings. He follows me a round all day and is my baby!

    Thanks for the message and support,


  5. #5
    Forum Lurker
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    As you can see by the scarcity of answers this is a fairly quiet corner of the forums. Being transient myself I am not sure it is my place to say but welcome Julia. Blessings to you and your husband.

  6. #6

    Question Blessings back

    Thanks for responding, how are you finding EBid?

    I still have not had a single sale, plenty of views now but still no sales, dont know what to do? My products sell well in other arenas just not this one.

    Any advice anybody?


  7. #7


    Hello Julia. Its nice to see you are persevering with the site, so many others give it a month or so and then move all their listings! Things here are at the moment quieter than another site I could mention, but could change pretty soon. The site is being updated with many new features that should help with sales. So its not you in particular!!
    A few helpful tips I could give is to get yourself some feedback. Buyers are sometimes wary of a seller with no feedback, so it helps to get yourself some. And also I noticed your link isn't working? It directed me to an 'exciting auctions' page. I've not sold anything myself for a while, but I'm happy to stay here as its a much friendlier site! And I'm sure that good times are just around the corner!!
    Hope your husband is keeping well.

  8. #8

    Thumbs up good advice

    Thanks Pauline

    I am in need of some herbs, so may buy some from this site to help with my feedback score and buyer confidence.

    I list on 4 different auction sites these days, and have also just built my own website, I am really proud of it - do have a look - dont know if I am allowed to put my website address here but will anyway.


    will look at my link here as well, dont know why it dosnt work,

    Once again thank you for your comments.

    Julia Staff

  9. #9

    Default have changed my link, does it work?

    Hi there, just changed my link to my shop, just want to know if it works?


  10. #10


    hi nematona, I was just passing by and saw your post, sorry im not getting a store here, im no expert by any means, but I *think* you need to put it in this format


    good luck

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