Hi all,
I am new to these boards so hope I'm in the right place. I'm in the process of moving all my stuff over from 'you know where', & am starting to do my buying on ebid rather than, 'you know where'. Just trying to find some clothes for my son and hubby so was looking through mens tops, and I have had to plough through pages and pages of cult t-shirts!! Not that there is anything wrong with them, we have a lot of this stuff at home, my hubby is an avid teeshirt collector so its not that I dont like it and sometimes I might well want to buy one.... but looking in 'mens tops', I was expecting to see generic everyday wear. As there is such a lot of cult stuff, wouldn't it be better to give its own dedicated category? I wonder how many other potential buyers are put off by this stuff, cos I LIKE these tees but even I was put off, just because I was looking for something else. Just a suggestion, hope you dont mind