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Thread: Information Services

  1. #1

    Default Information Services

    Bring em on - there is lots of information that people would like to see available for purchase. Rules stated clearly though that Information is being sold ONLY and NOT actual products so peeps don't get duped round here [that happened to me in the early days and it made me ****ed] though if the information is presented and peeps still get the wrong end of the stick that is tough sh** - I mean its painful to see muppets on eBay and other sites bidding for $200+ [£105~] for an ebook bout where to get a plasma TV and thinking that they are bidding for the acual item where it clearly states that an ebook is being bid for and then to have them complain about being misled is just too much

    Good day

  2. #2

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by trillionaire View Post
    Bring em on - there is lots of information that people would like to see available for purchase. Rules stated clearly though that Information is being sold ONLY and NOT actual products so peeps don't get duped round here [that happened to me in the early days and it made me ****ed] though if the information is presented and peeps still get the wrong end of the stick that is tough sh** - I mean its painful to see muppets on eBay and other sites bidding for $200+ [£105~] for an ebook bout where to get a plasma TV and thinking that they are bidding for the acual item where it clearly states that an ebook is being bid for and then to have them complain about being misled is just too much

    Good day
    Auctions for information only are banned too.

    eBooks or any auctions that are selling information only. Any eBooks or emailable information will be removed.
    You can read the full list of what is banned here.http://uk.four.ebid.net/perl/normal....ing&mo=help#28

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