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Thread: Ebid promotion ad 2 - YouTube

  1. #1
    Forum Diehard DaisyChain's Avatar
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    Smile New Ebid promotion ad 2 - YouTube

    This one is a lot shorter, slicker and has no nasty words in this one.


    Please note: my aim with these videos is MAINLY to show ebid mods that advertising can be done on a budget. Come on guys, get a funky, silly, quirky ad together and create cult status on the net............

    And you may see one or two pics of me in there
    Good night, dont let the elephants bite
    Last edited by manstomar; 11th November 2006 at 12:49 AM.
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  2. #2
    Forum Diehard GirlPlanet's Avatar
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    a lot better than the first one.......................... though could do with more ebid plugging rather than pics of family or friends, i know the family and friends bit is to show your buying from ebid for them, but less pics more ebid JMHO

    oh and maybe an ebid theme tune LOL

    well done to the creator though..................... 8/10

  3. #3
    Forum Saint pupsandpets's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moonwitch05 View Post
    WOW!!! - that is a heck of a lot better as an example of a family friendly ad for a site that want to promote that kind of togetherness.

    Now - to convince the ebid guys to do an ad - did you leave the cost of air time out of your budget though? - my fvourite site has already got national TV advertising organised and they have only been going since early August.

    Hurry up ebid - theres a race on - last one there is a sissy!
    Hi Moonwitch
    I'm with you on the new fav site!
    We've been trying to convince ebid for ages to do something but it ain't happening!

  4. #4


    Hi Manstomar, well done you, you're getting better and better at it, be doing telly ads soon. I wonder how much cinema adds cost these days.

  5. #5
    Forum Master cccgem's Avatar
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    Nice ad...when it gets cut down a little, sure it will be just right. Maybe someday we'll see an ad on tv for eBid.

  6. #6
    Forum Diehard DaisyChain's Avatar
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    Ive just seen a a thread on the net witht he supposed plans for the tv campaign for the Tbar.........

    If the plans are right then it ill defintley make or break the site, and ebid will be but a memory im afraid...............

    However less than 2 months ago, the staff at TBAr annouced their campaigns would be small, and allow a building up a database of items befroe anything like a tv advert. In fact they actually stated they could not and would not run ads between corrie, emmerdale at that particular time. To go from that comment to the apparent tv ad between corrie on itv2, this forthcomming monday, they must have a massive backer somewhere along the lines.........
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  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by manstomar View Post
    Ive just seen a a thread on the net witht he supposed plans for the tv campaign for the Tbar.........

    If the plans are right then it ill defintley make or break the site, and ebid will be but a memory im afraid...............

    However less than 2 months ago, the staff at TBAr annouced their campaigns would be small, and allow a building up a database of items befroe anything like a tv advert. In fact they actually stated they could not and would not run ads between corrie, emmerdale at that particular time. To go from that comment to the apparent tv ad between corrie on itv2, this forthcomming monday, they must have a massive backer somewhere along the lines.........

    Or maybe they feel they have a very worthy clientèle

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  8. #8
    Forum Diehard DaisyChain's Avatar
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    Getting some nasty comments on the vids now, from one guy, must be the manstomar luvvin he seeks


    TBar, i gotta admit, just dosnt grip me, im signed up, keep thinking to list but meh........it seems similar to here, .......the one bid, one winner process for a sale.
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  9. #9


    Much better Manstomar! Liking that one much more. Just goes to show, doesn't it?

    RE the corrie ad breaks, what Lee actually meant was the prime-time slots on ITV1- these are terrestial channels that require a fixed contract. ITV2 is digital and the ad companies have much more say about where and when an ad is aired. If it's not working, they can move it.

    I am left so frustrated by eBid apparent lack of oompf when it comes to advertising!!!

    As for sales on Taz, well I have had a couple of bidding wars on both, so it's not as bad as it all appears. I just price my auctions at the amount I can afford to sell at and my BINs at the price I would like to sell at...

    Please eBid, PLEASE do some advertising!!!

    Soapy xxx

  10. #10


    That's an excellent ad there manstomar, however G&M are exerting their efforts in the right places

    2. Brand New Look & Upgrades

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    We have been doubled our monthly advertising spend from around June and have increased the number of keywords we are bidding on on Google by 2100% since June, rising around 2000 per day at the moment. We are targetting buyers and bidders as a priority and are seeing numbers of bids rise daily.

    We have invested around another £10,000 in computer hardware to make us faster, more stable and with a larger capacity for growth. As we grow we will invest more and more to cope with demand but as many of you know we do not have any large financial backers as yet and all investment is based around our income, the more we take in the more we can spend on advertising, computers, design, support staff.

    This isn't to mention all the website functionality changes that we have in the pipeline, these are too numerous to mention but include full invoicing facilities and more checkouts. Some will start to appear within the next few weeks, these changes aren't related to our new design and will be placed live once fully tested and deemed ready.

    Myself and Mark would like to thank from the bottom of our hearts everyone who has stuck with us and we hope the upcoming changes will prove worth it.

    Things ARE happening, just not nessecarily the way we expect them.

    Spending extra on keywords at google is the um, key as most peeps on the net spend a lot of time on the net. I hardly see the TV anyway as I'm not a telly person, not that I'm saying an ad on telly wouldn't work, but it would work more on the net via google search

    I think a TV ad of Tb is a little ambitous as they are too new and have at present very little to offer any potential buyers, it all takes time with everything they need to do.

    eBid are getting there, feepay have only recently been advertising on telly for about a year and look how long fleabay have been going AND they can afford it!

    They have the influence on search engines, large ads on my yahoo page and TV ads, the last ads were apparently cheaply done

    Just takes a little time that's all

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