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Thread: Does anyone have a pavillion 734.uk??

  1. #1
    Forum Master pheasantplukka's Avatar
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    Default Does anyone have an HP pavillion 734.uk??

    My downstairs pc is a pavillion, I reformatted and of course it came pre-loaded with xphome so I havnt got a recovery disc - If anyone has one could I borrow it please because the website is useless, I've been trying for two days and everytime I get to the last page it says to try again later!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by pheasantplukka; 8th November 2006 at 11:17 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Master pheasantplukka's Avatar
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    not only that when I rang up the place I got through to someone in India or wherever and they I didnt feel like handing over my card details to the person, £25.00 for a damn recovery disc too

  3. #3


    Hope you can get it sorted kazzi, ive never heard of them to be honest and you know im not the most techie minded bod at the best of times, ( putting it mildly ).
    £25 .00 is that just a system restore disc or what ?

    The system restore disc for my daughters and sons pcs are both scratched and unreadable

    SO ... I bought a floppy to try and fix them, but now i need a windows 98 disc too

    I tried to use XP as we have 3 of those ALL LEGIT.
    1 is pro and the other 2 are home edititon and came with a now broken pc and mine.


    So until i get a new win 98 disc to go with this recoevery disc only 2 pcs work in the house and only ONE on the net ... MINE

    How come everything works till you hand it over to a teenager.

    * PUFF * .... BROKE!

    Im waiting for the Delivery people to ring to confirm they are bringing my HUGE TV today ( BIG GRIN )

    My new sofas will be here in 28 days/ now 35 apartently. GOOD OLD ARGOS

  4. #4
    Forum Master pheasantplukka's Avatar
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    hmmm bloody microsoft, such a rip off ........and as for all the manufactureres that pre-load it p*sses me off, we paid for the OS give us the fkn disc!!

    new tv and soafs eh......very nice

    ps. have you won the lottery

  5. #5


    NO ... You know i sold the majority of my stock off to the woman who just opened a new shop.

    SHE is living my dream.

    She is a GRAPHIC DESIGN TEACHER in a college by day and then has this NEW CRAFT SHOP she designs and makes jewelery and craft items.

    MY LIFE ... That could have been ... Instead i have had some new CVs printed up and as soon as everyone goes back to work after new year i shall be PIMPING Myself rather than my wares around everywhere and anywhere.

    Another bubble burst.

    Ah well, i seem to be SMILING ( which is odd ) shouldnt i be sobbing into my cornflakes about now ?


  6. #6


    Dont computers that come pre-loaded have system restore in built?

    I know i ran around like a headless chicken trying to find a disk or get one then i found system restore on the pc itself

    im such a muppet (no one is allowed to agree with that )

  7. #7
    Forum Master pheasantplukka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Petesmovies4auction View Post
    Dont computers that come pre-loaded have system restore in built?

    I know i ran around like a headless chicken trying to find a disk or get one then i found system restore on the pc itself

    im such a muppet (no one is allowed to agree with that
    yea, but I deleted the partition and wiped it coz I thought I had a disc

  8. #8


    The HP System Restore should be in a partition [Fat 32] On mine it's under HP Recovery ( If you click on "My Computer" or "Defrag" you should see 2 partitions .... unless you took it off? * Sorry crossposted
    If you bought the Pavilion new, you are asked to make a set of recovery disks. I did this , and they checked out OK, but when I needed them they didn't work. On mine it says it is specific for one model only. In my case a608. UK.
    I phoned HP and told them the Recovery disks weren't working, and got a free pair of disks. If I hadn't made a set I would have to pay.
    Last edited by dragonmist; 8th November 2006 at 12:18 PM.

  9. #9


    When I was considering rebuilding my Compaq Deskpro last year I came to use my restore disks and found they were for a completely different model of PC. Compaq were good enough to send me replacements in the post - which I eventually didn't use anyway!

    Kazzi - if you can get away with it, try and blag a set. Claim that yours are damaged or even the wrong ones for the system you've got. £25 for a media set that will only work on a specific model PC anyway is a rip off....

  10. #10


    I was pretty fed up with HP Stu. It took 6 CD's to make the Recovery kit. It automatically checked each one, then told me when to insert the next disc. It took hours. I should have been able to use the Fat 32 Recovery when I got problems. That didn't work. I thought, no problem, I've got 6 disks. They didn't work, probably because the Fat 32 files they copied were faulty. I phoned up and the Techie guy tried all sorts over the phone to get the Fat 32, or the disks to work. 2 days later I got the set of 2 disks the engineers use when they come out. This PC is going to my daughter's as soon as the new one arrives. It was good enough at the time, but the new one should be superb. Then I will have to Network the pair of them. That should be fun.... not. I have never done that, don't know what I need to buy, and I am not looking forward to it at all.

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