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Thread: so there is justice is tis world

  1. #11


    of course its gonna make things better though we are told - the powers that be must have thought they were doing the region and the world a favour -invading iraq on false or at the very least confused pretences, killing thousands of civilians in the process, after the end of the war having thousands of civilians dying not to mention military personnel, the fact that iraq /the region is a more dangerous place than it was when sadam ruled (not excusing sadam so dont go there) - that public hanging an ex president of an arab country after a kangaroo court will please arabs all over the place! tsk

    and hypocrisy lol
    who stuck up for him in iran in the first place in the 80s war and WHO *coughs* continued to sell him arms AFTER his regime gassed 5000 kurds

    but it is now a sovereign democracy and the people are happy - well how can it be sovereign if its occupied - and margaret becket and all the gang bleating on about this - democracy? LOL!!!

    its democracy and has a great legal and justice system - cos thats what happens in great legal and just societies - you have a handful of judges for one case - one resigning, one having his family murdered, the other being politically pressured, the other one sacked for being too nice to sadam, lawyers thrown out of court, other defence lawyers being assassinated - and the british/us politicians(not all of them) see the trial and verdict and as a prime example of the independence of iraq and its judicial system - someone stop me laffing

    its great!

    its just a big fat mess

    it goes on and on and on and on

    dont miss tonights comedy - gwb speaking at 6.20pm

    He should have been tried at the Hague! international and independent so the us mainly but uk would not have accusations levelled at them for revenge, political points, blah blah

    after all a fledgling democracy! like iraq is bound to have teething problems so why sing the praises of their democracy - counting chickens before they hatch springs to mind - the iraqis were too embroiled in it

    justice is supposed to be about objectivity and impartiality - and *fairness* - should have been the Hague

    he probably would have got the same sentence - guilty - but would have been better for the region/world in general in many ways
    Last edited by emma5721; 5th November 2006 at 04:47 PM. Reason: added bits

  2. #12
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    that marine shudve shot hm wen he found hm

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