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Thread: are there sales for me on ebid ?

  1. #1

    Default are there sales for me on ebid ?


    I currently sell camping, hiking, shooting, archery, slingshots, military and survival gear.

    Not the general products which kinda worrys me.
    On ebay i sell well but i thought i would give ebid a try as it has low costs

    I thought i might as well.
    I have good listings and good pics so. i currently have no feedback here but i am purchasing some cheap bits to give it a go.

    what worrys me is that there is not enough customers would would want my products here.
    what are your views on this


    Many thanks

    ( im going to try anyway ) but just wanted your views

  2. #2


    It is pretty slow compared to ebay but maybe if you stay here long enough someone will buy something..

  3. #3


    put your shop addy in your signiture go to top blue bar user cp or quick links ~ edit sig . every time you post then people can get quick access to your wares :0)

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  4. #4


    is it time cossuming ?

    I was going to do it in a way where i do not keep any stock for it i just use ebays stock and if something sells just re order it and put it back in..

    all well and good but i dont want to keep relisting stuff and it all takes loads of time and it never sells

    does ebid get a large flow of people? i would doubt it compared to ebay.
    also what are the listing buy it now durations ?
    what is the longest
    thanks for your replys

  5. #5

  6. #6



    I haven't sold anything in over 100 days but there are some great folks on the boards.

    Good luck anyway.

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    Lovely Christmas antlers and snowmen deeley boppers in stock now – so cute!

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