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Thread: Comparison Chart

  1. #1

    Smile Comparison Chart

    Would it be possible to have a comparison chart or table for Bronze, Silver and Gold.

    At the moment, the description in the help pages is - "Yes. On eBid it is free to list your auction. After you have joined you will need to upgrade your account from Bronze Access to either Silver (free but card validation required) or Gold (security subscription required) Access. Silver gives you access to our "Standard" auction format which is free to list with a 2% Final Value Fee. If you upgrade to Gold you can use our "Free Auction" which has NO listing fees and NO fvf. See our Registration FAQ page for more details on upgrading your account. Gold subscriptions can be purchased for 7, 30, 90, 365 days or a Lifetime giving you zero listing fees and zero final value fees for life."

    It can be very confusing for new users as it's just information overload within a single paragraph, and I have a feeling that many don't bother to read to the end of that paragraph. Hence, you get numerous posts along the lines of why has Ebid been charging my card and so on.

    A simple chart or table which shows the benefitsand costs at each level would be very helpful.

    If one already exists, then forgive me!! But I couldn't find it in the help pages!!

  2. #2

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by *artsbanquet* View Post
    Would it be possible to have a comparison chart or table for Bronze, Silver and Gold.

    At the moment, the description in the help pages is - "Yes. On eBid it is free to list your auction. After you have joined you will need to upgrade your account from Bronze Access to either Silver (free but card validation required) or Gold (security subscription required) Access. Silver gives you access to our "Standard" auction format which is free to list with a 2% Final Value Fee. If you upgrade to Gold you can use our "Free Auction" which has NO listing fees and NO fvf. See our Registration FAQ page for more details on upgrading your account. Gold subscriptions can be purchased for 7, 30, 90, 365 days or a Lifetime giving you zero listing fees and zero final value fees for life."

    It can be very confusing for new users as it's just information overload within a single paragraph, and I have a feeling that many don't bother to read to the end of that paragraph. Hence, you get numerous posts along the lines of why has Ebid been charging my card and so on.

    A simple chart or table which shows the benefitsand costs at each level would be very helpful.

    If one already exists, then forgive me!! But I couldn't find it in the help pages!!
    Most of the posts asking why the card is being charged every week/month is because people sign up for a subscription but don't understand that a subscription is ongoing until cancelled.

    My auctions, good prices, fair p&p.

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