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Thread: !!** Elaine **!!

  1. #1

    Default !!** Elaine **!!

    oh bless ya chick You really shouldn't you know, but THANK YOU, it's all gorgeous

    Thank you Nathan !! (COOL CARD!)

    Is full of good stuff !

  2. #2
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    was itt the jolly fisherman then

  3. #3


    well, its not much at all hun ... after all you have done for me but ill remember you come christmas

    Oh and Jay no its blinkin not.

  4. #4


    ps : i forgot to read what nathan wrote and he can get a bit carried away so i hope it was nothing cheeky. lol

  5. #5


    lol !! No, not cheeky at all Elaine, very sweet I love that little sweety card - it's given me an idea (doesn't happen often)

    What's the smallest size pic you can laminate?
    Is full of good stuff !

  6. #6


    smallest i have tried is postage stamp. Thats not to say i cant get it smaller. lol (( intrigued )) lol

  7. #7


    think you can laminate pretty much any size but your probably talking about little laminating machines so i dont know what capabilities they have.. i used to laminate professionally...once had to laminate these stupid little circle things... must have been about 1cm by 1cm... they kept getting stuck to my fingers though and wouldnt go through had air guns to blow specs of dirt away and about 30 kinds of laminate, was great fun but nerve wrecking when you had a 10 metre by 2 metre full colour print worth a lot of money..... you put it through get round to the other side and find for some reason it has a big fat crease right down the middle... OOPS lol even worse when the customer was standing there waiting for it...

  8. #8


    I was thinking of having little gift tags with funky boy on the front for gifts - I am just printing some little cards with ingredients on to tie to bags for a special order.... and thought those little laminated funky boys would be quite sweet... or a picture of the product... still in the ideas stage. How much are those little laminator kits ?
    Is full of good stuff !

  9. #9


    Mel, those little cards i made ( are the sort i like to buy ) so how easy is it to make ?
    I also do 3 in a line ( within a series ) not listed any for sale yet ??? what is wrong with me. lol

    When i got mine it was VERY expensive, My dad bought it me ... now you can get them for next to nothing.

    Almost all stationers sell laminators now and the pouches you can even buy in poundland i think.

    So very affordable ( But time consuming )

  10. #10


    Are the little lamintors heated?

    I only ask because with the smaller stuff i used to cut a little laminate off and peel a bit of the backing paper back, stick it to the glass table and then roller it on with a little hand roller then just trim it out... it was really easy but obviously wont work with laminates that need to be heated if you could do that its MUCH less time consuming

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