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Thread: FAO Elaine.......

  1. #1

    Default FAO Elaine.......

    Tried to PM you but your box is full........(snigger snigger lol)

    Myspace wont let me reply to your message

    First couple of days at uni have been fine thanks! Its daunting but the other students are nice and around the same age and older than me (i was worried about being the oldest lol).

    Hope your ok......

    Vicki x
    you can NEVER have too many pairs of shoes...

    ₪ ø lll ·o.

    Happiness Is Like Strawberry Jam, You Can't Spread Even A Little Bit Of It, Without Getting Some On Yourself!

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by mogmog2005 View Post
    Tried to PM you but your box is full........(snigger snigger lol)

    Myspace wont let me reply to your message

    First couple of days at uni have been fine thanks! Its daunting but the other students are nice and around the same age and older than me (i was worried about being the oldest lol).

    Hope your ok......

    Vicki x

    OH OK Thank you for letting me know Vicki
    GLAD YOU HAD A GOOD DAY, DONT GET CHATTING THE YOUNG LADS UP NOW WILL YA. OR running off in your break to buy shoes

  3. #3


    Hiya E. thanks for the invite, but after signing up for it, it wouldn't let do anything else. It also stated that you were no longer a member, or words to that affect

    After signing up, I had a look around, but didn't like what I saw and so I cancelled my account.

    Thanks anyway, but no thanks

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by jarremachine View Post
    Hiya E. thanks for the invite, but after signing up for it, it wouldn't let do anything else. It also stated that you were no longer a member, or words to that affect

    After signing up, I had a look around, but didn't like what I saw and so I cancelled my account.

    Thanks anyway, but no thanks

    Where exactly ... Oh and how RUDE to tell me on a PUBLIC board thanks but no thanks. Nice.

    OMG ... lmao

    ( scrathces head ) how can anyone not like what they see on myspace ? there is everything on there from A to Z and back again.

    >>>> mutters. :P

  5. #5

    Red face

    What I shuda said:

    After signing up, I had a look around and then I went back to my profile, but I didn't like what I saw as it had changed my profile saying that I was single and that I didn't want children , which was totally untrue and it was NOT how I left it and I REALLY don't have the time to spend on extra websites and so I cancelled my account.

    Thanks anyway, but no thanks
    Which means VERY politely, no thank you and it was said in a pleasant manner, hence the smilies!

    No rudeness was intended on my part and as for the public bit well;

    Quote Originally Posted by mogmog2005 View Post
    Tried to PM you but your box is full........(snigger snigger lol)
    I apologise for the way I have said things, as my original post was made this morning and I am NOT a morning person, I don't/can't think straight plus, I'm a bloke!!! sorweeeeeee xx

  6. #6


    No probs J.M

    Just wondering why you didnt like what you saw ?
    OF COURSE its not my business so i wont ask again. lol

  7. #7


    as the other pea in the pod... i think jarremachine actually meant he didnt like what he saw as in myspace not whatever pics or anything you had on there Elaine

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Petesmovies4auction View Post
    as the other pea in the pod... i think jarremachine actually meant he didnt like what he saw as in myspace not whatever pics or anything you had on there Elaine

    Funnily enough i didnt think thats what he meant lol

    So ill feel proper daft now if he did.

    No one can see my pics on there , unless they are made my friends 1st so he couldnt have seen them anyway

    I thought he meant he went on there and saw CRUDE stuff ( which can happen ) but thats about 1% of the place and its a pity to miss out on the other 99% because some half whit ladyboy feels like showing his/her meat and 2 veg < try saying that with a straight face. LOL

  9. #9


    Its just about the BEST site on the net imo , without Q.

    LOOK 80s link


    and ...







    There are SQUIILIONS of user groups on there, everything from cookery to christianity, poodles to punk, glamour to goth....

    You either did not look in the right place , those of you who have not liked what you saw or else your a vey hard to please group of people.


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