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Thread: Shop-A-Smoker ???

  1. #11
    Forum Saint HannaHolly's Avatar
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    This is a subject very close to my heart just now, as it was lung cancer which killed my mother.

    For those of you who have given up smoking - WELL DONE, you have done something very important for both you and your families.

    For those of you considering giving up - Please do- it will be the best decision you ever made.

  2. #12


    As far as the hotline goes..........what a way to waste money! Let rapists and murderers roam free and catch the evil buggers who smoke in forbidden places!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The British government never cease to amaze me!!!

    well done to all you quitters!!! when i get chance im gonna give chinese herbs a chance (no not gonna smoke them - lol) they work with accupuncture will let u guys know if it works........
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  3. #13
    Forum Diehard justfran's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    I was told 3 weeks that at 51 ,I had a suspected blocked Artery in my Leg.
    I was also told that if I was happy to carry on limping and smoking then it was my choice !
    I was also told that it would be a waste of time puting things right if i continued to smoke.

    I have family and 2 grandchildren,with whom I like to spend time and do stuff with.

    I went Cold Turkey 3 weeks ago on Wednesday !!
    So far so good although I was spaced out for a few days there and also couldnt sleep well for a couple of weeks.
    My hubby joined me in my quest so we just Snarl at each other lol.

    I am very proud of the pair of us as I never thought we would be able to do it.
    I have had an MRI scan and a Ultrasound.so I am just waiting to go back to see the Consultant to see what will be done...I want to be pain free and smoke free !
    Good Luck to anyone else giving up or thinking about it.

  4. #14


    Well done to those who,s quit!!!

    I find the phone line quite daft really I have images of you phoning to report a bloke having a cheeky fag and by the time the police respond with helicopters and mI5 etc.. the tab end will be well and truly cold!!!!!

    My smoking bug bare is the cheeky buggers at work that spend 30 mins at a time in the fag room whilst im doin all the work!!!

    Good luck everyone who`s givin up!

  5. #15

    Default Looking forward to the ban

    I don't think I'd shop one, but will be glad when the ban comes in so I can chuck them out of my taxi.

    At the moment (According to our local Hackney Carriage Office) I can only go as far as saying "I'd rather you didn't" if someone asks if they can smoke. You'd be amazed a how many still insist on smoking even after that.
    Lots don't even bother to ask just go ahead & light up, even with no smoking stickers on every window.
    The only think I'm allowed to do is open the windows, so I do, full whatever the weather.

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  6. #16


    WELL DONE to those who have stopped smoking.

    My nan ( aged 75 ) stopped smoking last year after being told she was diabetic and had to quit OR ELSE.

    She had been smoking since she was in her late teens. She threw away her fags in the doctors room and has not smoked since.


  7. #17

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by val4xx View Post
    This is a subject very close to my heart just now, as it was lung cancer which killed my mother.

    For those of you who have given up smoking - WELL DONE, you have done something very important for both you and your families.

    For those of you considering giving up - Please do- it will be the best decision you ever made.
    Hear, hear and I think it was years of constant second-hand smoke that led up to my fathers acute heart attack!

    So keep it up folks who are trying to give up

    ..and as for that waste of money grass 'em phone line well,

  8. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Gothicina View Post
    At the moment (According to our local Hackney Carriage Office) I can only go as far as saying "I'd rather you didn't" if someone asks if they can smoke.
    Try telling the HCO that the cab is your place of work, and they are infringing on your right to work in a smoke-free environment.

    If that doesn't work, tell 'em to fook off !

    (I smoke, but only allow it in my office, not on the sales floor.)

  9. #19


    Packing up smoking is dead easy..........................I've done it hundreds of times.

  10. #20
    Forum Lurker oddity667's Avatar
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    10 Characters?? Whats that all about?

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