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Thread: Shop-A-Smoker ???

  1. #1
    Forum Master e_nviable's Avatar
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    Default Shop-A-Smoker ???


    Well......... would you ?


    <hiding her fags, emptying out the ashtray & giving a quick squirt of 'Oust' >

  2. #2


    No, although I often get annoyed by smokers who do smoke in non smoking areas.

    Until 8 days ago I was a 50 - 60 cigarettes a day girl. So it wasn't that I was a non smoker being annoyed by smokers. I was a smoker annoyed about the lack of consideration of other smokers for those that don't. And if I can't smoke in certain places, and am willing to respect that, I don't see why other smokers cannot.

    I am now struggling to give up the habit with the help of 24 hour nicotine patches, and I can tell you it is hard going ... for some funny reason the 2nd week is proving to be harder than the first.

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  3. #3


    Keep at it- you will suceed if you really want to!!

    Well done for sticking with it fr so long. I found that I was missing having something to do, so I took up knitting. My boys have some gorgeous hats, thanks to my long-gone habit and a little help from Debbie Bliss :-D

    The Soap Dragon xxx

  4. #4
    Forum Lurker oddity667's Avatar
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    WTG Tycoon! I have failed miserably on every attempt to quit.

    And no, I wouldn't use that phoneline, and I can't see it being used. The vast majority of smokers are respectful enough to refrain from smoking where it isn't permitted, so the point of the "hotline" is beyond me.
    And yes, I am still anti-ban.

  5. #5


    Thanks for the encouragement folks.

    I find that my hands are busy enough - I'm either on the computer listing on feebay or ebid, processing orders, etc., cleaning house or something, so that is not a problem. The problem is that I find I miss having something in my mouth!! So I bought one of those nicotine filters but don't put the filter in and chew on it most of the day just so that I don't end up putting food, sweets etc in my mouth instead and end up with a weight problem as opposed to a nicotine one ...

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  6. #6
    Forum Saint shezz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uktycoon View Post
    No, although I often get annoyed by smokers who do smoke in non smoking areas.

    Until 8 days ago I was a 50 - 60 cigarettes a day girl. So it wasn't that I was a non smoker being annoyed by smokers. I was a smoker annoyed about the lack of consideration of other smokers for those that don't. And if I can't smoke in certain places, and am willing to respect that, I don't see why other smokers cannot.

    I am now struggling to give up the habit with the help of 24 hour nicotine patches, and I can tell you it is hard going ... for some funny reason the 2nd week is proving to be harder than the first.
    Hey good luck u can do it

    I packed up over a year ago now using the patches, okay they are brill but you will need willpower,
    Life is serious but taking it too seriously robs you of
    happiness, fun and productivity

  7. #7


    As a non smoker who gets INFURIATED by people smoking in enclosed spaces or in my face you would presume i would GRASS, but thats something i just dont like to do.

    I would rather tell the person, make a comment etc to the person , in their ear shot so they knew i had an issue with it.

    If i go into a smoking area of a bar, public place then i can hardly complain but if im in a specifc non smoking area damn right ill say something.

    But i would leave the Grassing to those more inclined ( some peeps do it for fun , dont ya know )

  8. #8


    So put the weight on, you can buy new clothes but not new lungs

    Quote Originally Posted by uktycoon View Post
    Thanks for the encouragement folks.

    I find that my hands are busy enough - I'm either on the computer listing on feebay or ebid, processing orders, etc., cleaning house or something, so that is not a problem. The problem is that I find I miss having something in my mouth!! So I bought one of those nicotine filters but don't put the filter in and chew on it most of the day just so that I don't end up putting food, sweets etc in my mouth instead and end up with a weight problem as opposed to a nicotine one ...

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by buttons-and-bows View Post
    So put the weight on, you can buy new clothes but not new lungs

    But not too much weight, or then you have to deal with not being able to replace a heart. & Other knock on effects - Diabeties , etc ...

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by uktycoon View Post
    No, although I often get annoyed by smokers who do smoke in non smoking areas.

    Until 8 days ago I was a 50 - 60 cigarettes a day girl. So it wasn't that I was a non smoker being annoyed by smokers. I was a smoker annoyed about the lack of consideration of other smokers for those that don't. And if I can't smoke in certain places, and am willing to respect that, I don't see why other smokers cannot.

    I am now struggling to give up the habit with the help of 24 hour nicotine patches, and I can tell you it is hard going ... for some funny reason the 2nd week is proving to be harder than the first.
    I am going to be giving up again after I have finished this lot off. I will not be using the 24 hour ones. I used them before, and they stopped me from sleeping. So this time I will be using the ones you put on when you get up, and take off before you go to bed.

    Good luck to you. And remember that a craving only lasts a few minutes, so you just have to be strong. .......... I hope I do better than 5 months this time. lol

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