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Thread: Designer Items - Replica

  1. #161


    Quote Originally Posted by Petesmovies4auction View Post
    You dont draw a line. Everything illegal is illegal, end of. My point was fake goods are much lower down the police's priority list. There will NEVER be as many resources devoted to cracking down on fake goods unless all rapists, murders etc suddenly disappear. Fake goods will ALWAYS be around, sure ebid might get rid of a few now but thousands more will crop up. Im sorry but as the site continues to grow there will be more and more sellers of fake goods and until the fat cats who own gucci and other designer labels lower there prices there will ALWAYS be a demand for fake goods and they will not disappear.

    My question is Pete. Why don't they allow them to be listed as fake or replicas? Why does Ebid insist that that is against the rules when they know people are selling fakes and replicas?
    If they didn't insist on that clause I don't think it would be a problem. I certainly don't have a problem with it, but I do if they are passed off as genuine. I know they are not because of the price but someone might.
    Last edited by paintinglemonjane; 3rd September 2006 at 07:49 PM. Reason: missing word

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  2. #162


    Quote Originally Posted by lzrada View Post
    Wouldn't be seen dead with one huh??? What about the 2 you bought directly from her?


    Do they go well with your Breitling Bentley's you also purchase from her?

    Boy you sure are a 2 face rat fink....you should be ashamed of yourself for all of the comment you made.

    I think you should be banned.

    enuff said.
    Those were not for me??. I said I wouldn't be seen dead with one,..... I bought the things from that seller for somebody else. And for the record, when I got them, they were a load of rubbish, and I send one of them back.

  3. #163


    Oh, and as for the watch I bought. I bought it for my partner, and all the colour is coming off it.
    Yes I have bought and sold replica's in the past.
    And I used to make a lot of money on ebay selling prisoner cell block H (Every single episode). But my auctions got removed, so I had to find a legal way of making money.
    So if one person cannot get away with selling fakes, then no one should get away with it. I do everything by the book now, and I have learned from my mistakes. People can change you no!!!!

  4. #164


    Quote Originally Posted by paintinglemonjane View Post
    My question is Pete. Why don't they allow them to be listed as fake or replicas? Why does Ebid insist that that is against the rules when they know people are selling fakes and replicas?
    If they didn't insist on that clause I don't think it would be a problem. I certainly don't have a problem with it, but I do if they are passed off as genuine. I know they are not because of the price but someone might.
    If ebid allowed sellers to list fake items as fake items they would be breaking the law. I dont have a problem with fakes, they will always be around and like you i think they should just be made clear thats what they are. However ebid have a duty to pull all auctions that are reported as fakes, they just wont go around looking for them because it takes up too much of their time. Thats how i see it anyway, correct me if i am wrong G or M

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