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Thread: BBC report the Ebay strike

  1. #1

    Default BBC report the Ebay strike

    ... but not very well...


    It looks like this article was written by somebody who'd never heard of Ebay until today.
    "The boycotting traders are all members of eBay's "shop sellers" subscription service, which allows them to run online stores linked to the website."

    I wouldn't describe them as online stores LINKED to the website, they're PART of it! (Although Greedbay are doing their best to put a stop to that!)

    "They are angry that eBay has raised the fee it charges for each listed item from a flat 3p to between 3p and 11p."

    To anybody unfamiliar with Greedbay, this would be taken to mean that ALL auctions cost 3p! What a bargain!

    "Their goods now only appear if fewer than 30 items match a users' search criteria."
    Ain't British education wonderful? It's "user's" in this case, BBC!!!

    "EBay hopes the change will stop potential buyers from getting swamped with too many available items."

    Yes, it must be terrible being swamped with too many available items... especially when Greedbay are to blame for allowing thousands of Chinese items to appear in the U.K. listings!

    ""We are not really seeing any tangible strike action and we are not that worried about it, although I don't want to dismiss the concerns of our customers," he said." (And quietly added "At least not publicly!" (allegedly)...)

    Good old Greedbay - what's their new motto? "We never admit we're wrong!"

  2. #2
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    It was apparantly 500 shop owners (out of more than 20,000) who aren't listing today.

  3. #3


    No such thing as bad publicity........except if your
    Peter Stringfellows barber..........

  4. #4


    I don't think David Ratner would agree with you. It's an oft repeated fallacy. This is bad publicity for Greedbay, and good publicity for Ebid.

  5. #5


    What significant affect will it have on Ebid ? i can`t see its
    made much difference up to now......it might have an adverse
    outcome...people might think..sod this, if you can`t make money at a multinational company,we won`t at a parochial one....which is what this is...and give up the ghost online altogether...

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by donkeyote View Post
    ... but not very well...


    It looks like this article was written by somebody who'd never heard of Ebay until today.
    "The boycotting traders are all members of eBay's "shop sellers" subscription service, which allows them to run online stores linked to the website."

    I wouldn't describe them as online stores LINKED to the website, they're PART of it! (Although Greedbay are doing their best to put a stop to that!)

    "They are angry that eBay has raised the fee it charges for each listed item from a flat 3p to between 3p and 11p."

    To anybody unfamiliar with Greedbay, this would be taken to mean that ALL auctions cost 3p! What a bargain!

    "Their goods now only appear if fewer than 30 items match a users' search criteria."
    Ain't British education wonderful? It's "user's" in this case, BBC!!!

    "EBay hopes the change will stop potential buyers from getting swamped with too many available items."

    Yes, it must be terrible being swamped with too many available items... especially when Greedbay are to blame for allowing thousands of Chinese items to appear in the U.K. listings!

    ""We are not really seeing any tangible strike action and we are not that worried about it, although I don't want to dismiss the concerns of our customers," he said." (And quietly added "At least not publicly!" (allegedly)...)

    Good old Greedbay - what's their new motto? "We never admit we're wrong!"
    How S***e was that report...... incorrect also..... no one is mentioning the anti fee hike petitions..... and it was over 520 shop owners closing shop 4 the day...... what about the long term plans of ebay shops who wont strike but will reduce their listings slowly with a view to eventually moving to ebid!!!!

    Ebay have palyed this so dow.... 15 million customers.... easy stat when you consider a large proportion of them have probably only ever auctioned a few items!!!!!!

    Ebay...... you have crippled the 'little guy' and made us look like a bunch of whingers with nothing to whinge about...........

    Average Ebay Joe public wont understand a lot of the reports being banded about....... ebay have just played the game with their 'tin pot statements'

    Not that Im p***d off or owt....!

  7. #7


    FeeBay are taking the ****.
    All the excuses (a.k.a. CRAP) spouted by FeeBay about buyers being 'swamped' by choice are just that - excuses. The real reason was reported by the BBC a month ago...............

    Internet auction firm eBay is to start its first ever buyback scheme of up to $2bn shares over two years.
    Ebay shares, which rose 5% on the news, have shed 41% of their value this year amid stiff competition.
    The firm is also planning on raising the fees retailers operating on its site pay, to counter slower growth.
    The announcement came as the firm announced second quarter profits had fallen by 14% to $250m ($135m) from last year's £291.6m.

  8. #8


    I expect the share price to fall even further when the income stream from shops dries up. Apart from those that close together with listing fees, the final fees, there is also those stores that are remaining but with drastically reduced listings.

    That is going to be a big hit in 30 days for the US and probably 90 days in UK if they have grabbed the last cheap opportunity.

    Then more stores will probably close then as well!

    Glad I've just opened my nice new shiny eBid store http://uk.ebid.net/stores/Affordable-Art
    just need to stack some more on the shelves


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