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Thread: A strange brown coloured photo

  1. #1

    Default A strange brown coloured photo

    This was the first thing that happened to me that got me thinking about the spiritual stuff.

    I think my uncle had just passed away some nights before, as this happened on a sunday night approx 6pm in February 2002. And thats the same month my uncle died.

    From that moment on, I have had all sorts of strange things happen. Good things and bad things, all things I have not been able to explain.

    I will tell you about that sunday night.

    My eyes were a little tired, so I sat on the edge of the bed and closed my eyes. I had them closed for a few minutes, when all of a sudden (through my closed eyes) I saw a photograph. Well I guessed it was, though it might have been an image of some kind.

    It looked like a very old brown coloured photo. There was a room which had loads of brown coloured files on a shelf and there was also a brown desk. I think there was a brown chair on the floor, and a man with a big bushy black moustache and a brown suit on was sitting on the chair, just staring forward.

    This scared me, so I opened my eyes and didnt see any photo or image of anything, so I closed my eyes and saw nothing. It had gone.

    My bf said I must have imagined or dreamt it, but I know what I saw, it was real for me.
    I knew I was sitting on the edge of the bed and I could feel my eyes closed when I saw it.
    I have had my eyes closed before and have seen nothing, so I couldnt have imagined it. Its hard to get any pic or image in your mind that looks like your looking straight at it!

    That experience shocked me so much, that ever since I have been researching about spiritual stuff. Does anyone know what it meant for me to see that, or has anyone had a similar experience?

  2. #2

    Default Re: A strange brown coloured photo

    Hi Bunjee, I haven't experienced anything like that. The only spiritual beeings I ever see are in my photos but I well remember my brother in law on the night his father's partner died. They were both getting on in years but John had grown apart and hadn't seen his father for years and when he did he wished he hadn't. (problems with drink) Anyhow this particular night John woke up and there was this fuzzy image that he instantly recognised to be his fathers companion. She just stood there and looked at him for a moment then vanished. My sister just hid under the blankets and said "she didn't want to know. "Wait till morning " when he tried to tell her about it.....anyhow the next day they found out that Shirl ( the ladies name) had died at approximately the same time as she appeared in their bedroom. They think she was there to tell john to make up with his Dad and to look after him now that she couldn't. I wish I could say they did make their peace but after coming together for a while they are as far apart as ever now.

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