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Thread: god its like a graveyard tonight in here

  1. #11

    Default hi soapy

    what do you mean by higher res for the pictures what do i need to do please?
    if you ever need a hand with a site i will help you matey
    webeden is good but doesnt allow html
    freewebs is good free but i think you only get 15 pages
    il have a look at the foundation now i could have sworn it was free p&p (although i have a couple listed)

  2. #12


    hi soapy its the one that buttons and bows is bidding on ive just checked its free p&p

  3. #13


    Cool :-)

    What sort of camera are you using? You might need to turn the resolution up on it. I have a spiffing litle camera, its an Olympus X-710, I don't know much except that it has a macro device which means it takes excellent quality pictures mega-close up, and also has 2.8 optical zoom which wee's all over digital zoom- close up pics with no dodgy pixellation!!

    It cost me £89.99 from PC World a couple of months ago, you should have seen me- I was taking pictures of their carpet from a 5cm distance- I WAS the difficult customer of the day PMSL!!!

    I have spent a fortune on Dreamweaver 8 (£5.99 on feeBay for an unlocking key and the trial version free from Macromedia themselves ><~another devil-type face!!) so I will just have to learn how to use it. There is a program called Zen-cart which comes highly reccommended by the web techs on the Business Selling board, so I will get wonderful BF to take a look!!

    I have finally taken the plunge and listed some items on a Happy-Hour auction- 40p!! What a Blimmin' bargain- thanks again eBid, you guys truly are stars...

    Hows your day so far Katie?

    The Soap Dragon xxx

  4. #14

    Default hi soapy

    um im not using a camera at the mo i copy and paste it from the wholesalers
    i have a camera but i need a lead to hook it to the computer
    did you check the foundation i had a look and it was free p&p
    i nearly died coz the foundation is the one i did wrong somebody is bidding at mo for two foundations at £1 each and free p&p oh my god thats £17.98 worth of stock lol
    ive learnt my lesson now i was told yesterday to put your bid price a few pence under buy it now price to make sure that doesnt happen again !
    do you have cocoa butter body scrub then?
    (body scrub is crystal type stuff that u scrub ob your skin isnt it and it leaves your skin feeling smooth
    i also need a pumice stone for my feet
    and can you use the body scrub on your feet?
    if so what price will i be looking at for both please

  5. #15


    Katie you were told in the first place that you had these auctions listed wronge before I bid, I and another ebider also told you how to remove our bids so you could change the listing but you chose not to do so.

  6. #16


    Hi Katie,

    I can make the Cocoa Butter body scrub, it's a salt scrub and bidding starts at £3.99! You*can* use it on your feet but please please be careful when you get out of the bath as it really will be slippery! I have one pear-shaped pumice stone in stock but I just need to find it LOL, or I have a pumice-style stone on a rope, that one is £1.49. Alternatively there is a good old-fashioned bit of loofah, that is 99p!

    Does your stock change very often? If you have the same stuff for a while you could get it developed onto a cd until you can find a lead?

    I did the same with an auction, but rather than cancel the bid I'm letting it ride, luckily theres been some competition on that one!!

    The Soap Dragon xxx

  7. #17

    Default re the foundation its not a problem ive learnt my lesson from it

    lol dont worry you have bid so i will keep it that way its my own fault for doing it wrong lol
    when i have spoke about it in here i am just simply trying to plug it to get more bidders if you win thats fine!
    i will make sure i dont put it at such a silly starting price next time lol

    soapy that stuff sounds great i will pm you this week with my order that body scrub sounds lovely!

    hope everyone is ok

    ta ra


  8. #18


    Hi Katie!

    No probs, if you pm me I'll put it up as one lot with the correct postage!

    I would bid, but foundation covers up my freckles and I do so love them

    The Soap Dragon xxx

  9. #19

    Default hi soapy lol

    its ok
    which of the pumice stones would you recommend then do you do any other foot care products?

  10. #20


    I'm trying to develop a non-slippery formulation for feet, but it's not easy!! I personally have the one on the rope- have you ever seen a scummy pumice? Bleurgh.... Detox Dream is good for feet, it contains Tea Tree, Eucalyptus and Peppermint and has a moisturising layer with poppy seeds to exfoliate- it'll leave your tootsies smelling fresh as you like!

    I'm desperately trying to get a foot-shaped mould for a specific foot soap I have in mind, I'll have to check out my mate denny on the dark side LOL

    The Soap Dragon xxx

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