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Thread: Pirate DVD's

  1. #1

    Default Pirate DVD's

    I just joined ebid. I have been doing a little online trading (thru the bay, amazon and QXL as well as local newspaper and other free services), I probobly average about 2-3 sales a week, for some time and when I found ebid it looked pretty good. So here I am. Well I was browesing for DVD's when I came accross what is obviously a pirate copy. Even though the seller is claiming it is genuine, they are clearly lying. It is a disney DVD, which is some years old. If you dont know disney put a hologram on the back or spine of all there UK and EU release DVD's they also sell them now only in dark blue cases. A few years ago they used the standard black cases. The DVD I have seen has a white/clear/opaque case in the clear photo of the item. I have been frustrated by the appearence of increaseing numbers of pirates on Amazon and it would be a shame if pirates moved onto every site! Would you experienced sellers report this auction or just let it go?

  2. #2


    I think you shoul just let it go. As people areselling all sorts of brand name watches and bags, and are getting away with.
    Also. Some people would prefer to by a copied dvd, as some cannot afford to pay for the real thing.
    Either gazza & mark should get rid of ALL the fake goods on here, or let all of them get away with it. Instead of picking and choosing who is allowed to sell fake goods.

  3. #3
    Forum Saint stitchysyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ladylauraac View Post
    I think you shoul just let it go. As people areselling all sorts of brand name watches and bags, and are getting away with.
    Also. Some people would prefer to by a copied dvd, as some cannot afford to pay for the real thing.
    Either gazza & mark should get rid of ALL the fake goods on here, or let all of them get away with it. Instead of picking and choosing who is allowed to sell fake goods.
    So what are you saying...that its OK for Ebid to allow illegal selling on the site.

    I agree that ALL fakes and copies should be removed. Its this sort of selling that has given Ebid bad press.

    I expect the boys don't have time too police the site themselves, so would need to rely on someone reporting infringments of the rules.

    Which are - you can't sell:

    Recopied media

    Copies, dubs, duplicates, or transfers of books, music, videos, software, images, etc., are prohibited. Just as you cannot sell a photocopied book without the author's permission, you cannot sell copies or duplicates of videos, music, video games, software, photos, etc. Likewise, you cannot sell transferred media--whether laserdisc to video, CD-ROM to cassette tape, or from the Internet to any digital format--unless explicitly approved by the author
    Copies of movies (VHS, DVD, etc.) may not be sold. Also, movies that have been transferred from one format to another are not permitted. For example, NTSC to Pal and Pal to NTSC conversion are not permitted. Unreleased/prereleased movies, screeners, trailers, unpublished and unauthorized film scripts (no ISBN number).

    I have been caught out before...bought what I thought was a genuine DVD and found out when it arrived that it was a copy and wouldn't play on my machine. I wouldn't know how to recognise a fake/copy in a listing...and I expect a lot of buyers are the same.

    So we need some protection.

    I would rather have a used working DVD than a fake useless one.

  4. #4


    Any one with half a brain would not sell, buy or touch a Disney copy. Anything fake Disney should be reported to support and removed from the site pronto as Disney will sue if they see it and the fines are horrific.

  5. #5


    Hi, thanks for all your input. I must say that if disney were such a force to be feared when sueing auction sites for allowing the sale of pirates then they could make a fortune from ebay. Any of the deleted titles can be had from numerous sellers. They are often called 'imported multi region' 'Limited issue, cover may vary from stock image' and stuff like that. Theres hundereds if not thousands of them on ebay.

  6. #6
    Forum Diehard
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    Report it.. keep reporting it.. on here they will usually act on it There seems to be a strange lack of will to remove fake designer handbags and watches which I don't understand - they are not just a rip-off but ILLEGAL but other items are always removed.

    I have two ebid stores. This is for Cats Protection;Lots of beanies, fast food toys, random collectables, some new children's clothes - almost anything really.
    this is business and sells skeleton leaves, Thai silk, various vintage postcards, more random collectables
    Both sell discontinued china tableware.

  7. #7


    Why does everyone moan about just copied dvds. Try looking at the top of the buddypoint table on the home page.
    Ebid should not allow just one seller to sell fake items. I think if your going to report a seller for selling copied dvds, then you should be reporting all the fake brand names stuff thats also against the law. Can somebody please tell me why the person at the top of the buddy point table is being allowed to get away with it?????????????????????

  8. #8


    Possibly because they are top sellers and bring in a lot of buyers to the site and also lots of fees that they need to keep the site going

  9. #9


    But it doesn't make ebid look very good, when the top seller is selling all illegal goods.

  10. #10
    Forum Saint stitchysyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ladylauraac View Post
    Why does everyone moan about just copied dvds. Try looking at the top of the buddypoint table on the home page.
    Ebid should not allow just one seller to sell fake items. I think if your going to report a seller for selling copied dvds, then you should be reporting all the fake brand names stuff thats also against the law. Can somebody please tell me why the person at the top of the buddy point table is being allowed to get away with it?????????????????????
    Quite agree...all fake stuff should be reported.

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