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Thread: someone take pity on me lol

  1. #11

  2. #12


    yes tracy lol
    have a look at the top thread about adding links to my site if your interested can you email your details to katie.myers1@ntlworld.com
    cya chuck

  3. #13
    Forum Diehard Hip Chick's Avatar
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    Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom
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    I think everywhere is quiet as it's been the first week of the kids summer holidays.

    Most people go away either the 1st or the last week.

    or... the parents are trying to do all the summer activities this week and let the kids fend for themselves for the rest!

    I'm sure sales will pick up soon.

    If you are selling on the other side, promote eBid.

    I have sent emails to all my buyers telling them about eBid and the fact that everything on eBid is CHEAPER as the fees are lower.

    Sales are going to be slow at first - we all need to pull together and get the message through.

    Communication is at our finger tips now days and right in front of us.. Lets USE it.

    Why get up and pound the pavements for what we want when we can log on and get it.???

    Suits me fine buying on-line without all the stress of waiting in line to pay or shopping around and going back to the first shop at that your saw "those" shoes in and then spent the last 4 hours trawling the shops for a better deal or the wow factor and then at the end of the day or back to that FIRST shop and buy them!!

    Ok I', lazy when it comes to shopping.. I log on, buy what I want, the nice man delivers it and I put it away.

    SAVE me time and time is something that you can not put a price on.

    Anyway - after all my internet buying.....

    ....does my bum look big in this???!!!

  4. #14

    Default i would like your opinion please (if you dont mind)

    as i have 2 outside sites and been a seller myself i know how hard it is so out of my free time i have offered to put peoples links with a description on my add page the people on here have been fine about it the people on ebay are been quite rude and slating me saying im only wanting free advertising for myself and they dont want it how can people be so rude its not right it will take me ages to do it but i want to do it to help and it will brighten up my site!
    what is up with ebay folks????
    rude rude rude
    (ps sorry just letting off steam........................)

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