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Thread: A Thread for all the eBay deserters- Welcome!!

  1. #51


    Welcome, welcome, and hi traceyandpat! It'll be interesting to see how we all get on with accounts over on eBid, eh! ;-)

    The Soap Dragon xxx

  2. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by hoverstar View Post
    There is a way around that for all ex-eBay sellers.

    Give your eBay email address on your listings so that buyers can go to eBay and use Advanced Search / Find a Member

    I.E. enter renegade1127*@*yahoo.com (remove the asterisks) to find my eBay feedback. Don't give your eBay seller ID as anybody can pick any ID at random from auction listings and claim it is theirs.

    Welcome to eBid ...... enjoy
    Hi and welcome to all

    You cannot put your email address in your listings - it is against ebid rules - and you will find that the system somehow (bit o trickery somewhere there) removes them.

    You can, however, use this site to give a link to your ebay feedback and post the link in your listings:


    Same thing applies if you want buyers to pay using paypal - you cannot put in your paypal account email address - you need to get an encrypted button using the merchant tools via paypal and put the html code in your listing.
    Last edited by uktycoon; 21st July 2006 at 08:38 AM.

    Please visit my eBid shop:

  3. #53


    Hi. I'm another fed up ebayer in the process of deserting. My ebay shop will be closing for good on 16th August as I was already operating at the margin on ebay and they have just pushed me over the edge.

    In one way it matters hardly at all how much or little I sell on ebid when I would have been doing it for no return on ebay too. But I have started emailing my buyers from ebay to let them know what is happening and I have a header on my shop and "about me" pages explaining as well, also mentioning that due to lower overheads I will be able to sell cheaper over here!.

    One thing that is different is that I would never in a million years have dared post on the ebay forums!

  4. #54


    Welcome underthebox - glad you feel comfortable enough to post on this forum

    Look forward to chatting some more.

    P.S. Put a link to your ebid store in your signature (done via User CP on the red bar at the top of the forum)

    Please visit my eBid shop:

  5. #55


    I'm not a powerseller, but have over 2000 postive feedback from *THE DARK SIDE*, most of which have been gained in the last 18 months.

    I will be emailing my customer base over the weekend to tell them of Ebid. Thats over 2500 people, if a lot of the other big sellers from the other side do the same, perhaps we can start dragging customers kicking and screaming to Ebid.

    My tact is going to be as follows:

    1. From August, all of my Shop items are going to be increased by 8% to cover the EBay Price hikes. I will also state in my auctions the reason for the price increases.

    2. Also from August, because of the nice new Royal mail price hikes postage fees will be up by at least 50p per item.

    3. I will email my customer base to tell them that I will selling my items on EBid at a 5% lower cost than my ORIGINAL EBAY prices due to lack of fees. I will also keep my delivery costs at £1.00 per item and 50p for each item afterwards.

    4. New customers from Ebay will be regaled with the postives of EBid in emails I send to them.

    I will still list with Ebay, as leaving them would be suicide as has been mentioned in another post. Until a serious competitor arises to take Ebay on, the big Ebay sellers such as ourselves don't have a choice. However, just because we are still there, it doesn't mean we have to enjoy ourselves...

    Well, I'm still here. SO why not visit my EBid Shop? http://uk.ebid.net/stores/Totally-Underwear (600+ Items coming soon!!!!!!!!!)

  6. #56


    Welcome to all the new peeps who are just arriving from the other side...
    The last big exodus was in June 2003...June to December on eBid was a fantastic time with parties , fantastic threads and a big celebration when we reached 100,000 members.
    I've just received a 3rd birthday email from G & M ...tnx 4 that guys...
    I just keep hoping that we could get some better advertising (I know it's expensive) and push eBay into second place.

    Good luck to all ...maybe we can make eBid a success this time round... ...off to sort out a shed load...

  7. #57


    Thank you uktycoon! I will put my link in when I get some stock listed (guess what bit of selling I hate doing).

    The funny thing about the ebay announcement was that many sellers had been feeeling uneasy for a while (I know I did) about where ebay was going and what it would mean for us. I'd even started looking for a "proper" job as I am now fit enough to go back to work and had a feeling that ebay would soon be unable to fund my hobby (camping) for too much longer.

    Then on Wednesday we got their glossy brochure in the post touting ebayexpress and I knew then that the writing was on the wall, just didn't expect the blow to come only 24 hours after though! Still, life goes on and we can only benefit from new experiences (or that's what I keep telling myself.)

  8. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by scrapperscave View Post

    sorry hon but that wont work!! The only way you can obtain feedback through a sellers email address is if you have had a transaction with them.
    Well, sort of, yes & no !

    The email address wont give the Seller ID or actual feedback, but it does give "
    The email address renegade1127@yahoo.com is used by a valid eBay member with a feedback score of 46 (97.9% positive)."

  9. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by uktycoon View Post
    Hi and welcome to all

    You cannot put your email address in your listings - it is against ebid rules - and you will find that the system somehow (bit o trickery somewhere there) removes them.

    You can, however, use this site to give a link to your ebay feedback and post the link in your listings:


    Same thing applies if you want buyers to pay using paypal - you cannot put in your paypal account email address - you need to get an encrypted button using the merchant tools via paypal and put the html code in your listing.
    Didn't know about the email ban (note to self : read the bl**dy rules !)

    Is it OK to include it as a jpeg? or maybe stamp it on an item photo so email harvesters can't get it?

    GAZZA & MARK :- not trying to circumvent any rules here, just looking for a way to encourage more eBayers to switch to eBid. How about promoting Feedbacksite.com on the front page ?

  10. #60


    Hi everyone just posting!

    Great to see so many people here, I am really excited about this new avenue.

    I'm still posting on eBay Sellers Business Board and flouting ALL of the rules- I would never have dreamed of doing such an outrageous thing but eBay really have pushed me too far this time. And it seems I'm not the only one!!

    The Soap Dragon xxx

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