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Thread: Goodbye E-bay (AKA i have an Ebid Store) yay! :)

  1. #1

    Smile Goodbye E-bay (AKA i have an Ebid Store) yay! :)

    Hi everyone,
    I'm Dave (waves), just discovered the world of Ebid & am currently bouncing around in my seat!

    Just created my store DLtradingdirect and woudl be greatful for any passing trade!! hehe

    Give me a while to add more bits to it, but When i have time I'll keep beavering away!

    While I've got your attention any idea if theres a "buy it now" function on here, and if so how do you use it!?

    Have fun people!

  2. #2
    Forum Master
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    Middlesbrough, Cleveland, United Kingdom
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    Hi Dave! Welcome from the other side! Great to have you! I wish you every success in all of your bidding and selling needs.

    When you open your shop and you start listing your items, all the info you need, including the buy now feature, will be right in front of you... it's very easy.

    Now, if you use any features like, gallery, featured or anything else, it will be free to list.. of course you pay a little bit for the gallery if you want it, happy hour and other goodies. For keeping the cost down, just list your items... anything that you want to do, as your putting your items up for bidding, the cost of the extras are right there, you shouldn't have any problems

    I look forward to seeing your shop


  3. #3


    Hi ya Dave (waving back)
    Good luck with your store -

    when you list an item and put the start price/bid - the buy it now function is on the same page (hope that made sense lol)

    Hope you sell lots (me too !)

    Lisa xxx

    Feedback left when payment received

    Free Pack of UK Wildflower seeds sent with every order throughout 2023

    A smile is a curve that can set things straight!

  4. #4


    Hi Dave, welcome to ebid, go to user cp at the top left of the forum and add a link to your shop. Have a look round the site and if you see anything you need buy it here to get yourself a little feedback and list as much as you can in your shop, pack it out. Good luck with your sales, stick with it as the site is picking up especialy with the new influx of ebayers jumping ship lately.

  5. #5


    hi, i think you may have to be a silver or gold member to use buy it now on here

  6. #6

    Cool thank yous

    Hey all!
    A biiiig thank you for all those who replied so far. It all seems to make more sense now. I am listing more bits......slowly, so stick with me on this one! I've had lots of people looking so hopefully a sale isn't too far away

    Take car all of you


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