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Thread: Please have a look at my shop.

  1. #1

    Smile Please have a look at my shop.

    Hi every one

    When people ask on here to have a look in there shop and ask for peoples opinion, I normally have a look and give them a honest opinion on it, but I have never asked people to look at mine, so hear goes please have a look at my shop and give me all the worst you can find and if there are any good points that would be nice know, or even better if I can help any one just let me know.

    Now let the comments begin.



  2. #2
    Forum Saint minkyrra's Avatar
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    Maidstone, Kent, United Kingdom
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    hi there

    i dont know much (anything) about bathroom fittings, but i like your shop colours

    the auctions are clear and easy to read, info spaced out so easy to digest

    are there anymore measurements that might be useful to someone looking for these kinds of items, or are they pretty much standard?

    i also like that you have your terms and conditions listed though there are some typos in the text

    the items are fairly high priced items, and the fact you do not have any feedback may hold people back from bidding

    are you an offline shop or do you sell elsewhere?

    i know you dont want to state you sell elsewhere (not sure how ebid would take that) but maybe import feedback?

    only other suggestion would be to sell some other bits on the side, that are lower priced to get a few bids in and some feedback under your belt

    you could keep them bathroom themed... maybe bathroom accessories or smellies

    sorry if its not the sort of thing you are into but it also might get more people looking at your shop,

    once they are in there - from casually browsing through bathroom accessories or whatever, they may realise your radiator valve would look great in their bathroom...

    otherwise you will only attract people who already know they want a radiator valve.

    just a thought anyway

    the only other way to get feedback.... is to go shopping yourself on ebid

    hope this all makes some sense and is of help



  3. #3


    My comments would have been similar to those of Bel above. However, I also have this to add ...

    Your store layout and colours look great.

    You have nicely set out your terms and conditions in your All About page.

    You may wish to put a link to your shop under where you have this wording:

    Please have a look in my eBid Shop for a large selection of Taps, Showers, Accesssories, Towel Rails, Valves, and Other Bathroom Items

    [a href="http://uk.four.ebid.net/stores/OceanBathrooms"]OceanBathrooms[/a]

    You could also put in a link to your terms and conditions in your item. Something like this:

    For our Terms & Conditions please click on [a href="http://uk.four.ebid.net/perl/normal.cgi?mo=their-all-about&user=OceanBathrooms"] All about Ocean Bathrooms[/a]

    Replace the square brackets with < and >

    Please visit my eBid shop:

  4. #4


    Hi Bel

    Sorry been watching football.

    Thank you very much for taking the time to have a look at my shop and giving your honest opinion.

    I can put some more pictures off tec drawings of each item but I need to start selling some items before I start doing that, I can send a picture of the tec drawing if anyone contacts me and need more information on a taps or showers.

    I will check the typos in my terms and conditions, but thank you for letting me know.

    I do have a web-site but I am not going to give the web-site address out as I don't want to upset eBid.

    I was selling on Feebay but on a lot of the items they were making more than I was after listing fees final valuation fees & then Paypal fees. I sold 20 items over a 20 day peiorid with no feed back yet I have been on here 2 weeks and not sold a thing, I cannot work it out.

    I also worked for someone selling items on Feebay and got his feedbacks up 1200 with no negitives (100%) but I sure he was spending more on fees than he was making, in one week his fees were over a £1000.

    I don't think I will sell loads, but that would be nice, 4 or 5 items a week would be nice.

    Would it not be a good idear for eBid to have a way that we can pay a additional small charge £10-£15 only if you wanted, and they could do some check on each customer and once we have been checked out have a simble put next to our user name, some thing like a small rosette then people would know that the seller has been checked and is verified and is safe to buy from, just an idear.

    I have taken the rest of your comments on board.

    Thank you again for taking the time to look at my shop.



  5. #5


    Hi uktycoon

    Thank you to you for letting me know how to add the links which I will do tomorrow.

    If I need any help I might be in contact as I am not to good with the tec stuff.

    I going to watch the other match now.



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