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Thread: do you actually care about anyone on here?

  1. #81


    I like the vast majority of people on here, and there are a few I've chatted to whom I really like. I care about what happens to them. Naturally, I've had disagreements on here (hello Mel ) but as Deeze said, there's no need to perpetuate bad feeling. I've had minor falling outs with my RL friends over the years but I wouldn't let it destroy the friendship, and neither would they. Can't say I've ever known anyone who was a total two-faced b*tch. Never had anything really rotten done to me.

    PS. I think we should start a poll. Is Bigusdickus hilarious or is he hilarious? lol. lmao @ that baby escaping for rusks post. (Sometimes people write 'lol' when they've really only laughed inwardly to themselves (litm?) but Big really does make me LOL. lol)
    Last edited by maggiethecat; 11th June 2006 at 01:31 PM.

  2. #82


    Quote Originally Posted by plasticasprin
    any evaluation you make about people you have never met is likely to need serious revision once you do get to meet them.

    Its hard to care about people you dont know but I usually always rally to support those who are getting picked on so I guess i do care for them and less so for those doing the picking.

    by and large however, people tend to misinterptret what is going on as they are so wrapped up in themselves
    Like you, you mean?

    You are usually they one doing the picking.

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  3. #83
    Forum Saint HannaHolly's Avatar
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    I've made some good friends on forums who i still meet up with on occasions, I've also made a lot of friendly aquaintances who drift in and out of forums I run , and it's always nice to see them.
    EBID is a bit different for me, because it's somewhere go to 'trade' rather than a social thing. However there are people on here I respect, there are people on here I value highly as customers, and I think i've made some friendly acquaintances too!
    One of the nicest things that happens on the KT is the monthly YDCs. they seem to bring out the best in everone

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