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Thread: So many talented people.

  1. #1

    Default So many talented people.

    I joined a photography site last week (thanks for the url Elaine) and I'm gobsmacked by the amount of very talented people out there who simply use their talent for enjoyment and not for making a living. I added some of my photos to the site but to be honest I'm a little ashamed of my efforts compared to those of the talented folk on there.

    Okay back to the topic of this post...

    Take a look at this photo which was taken by a guy who left a comment on one of my photos.

    I love it !, I love arty photos like that.

    Here is another photo which was taken by someone else who left a comment on one of my photos.

    I love these type of photos too, simple but draws your eyes right into the photo.

    Darn!, I think I might as well put my camera away for good. lol

    The site has hundreds of amazing images on it, but the thing that I really like about it is that the really talented photographers are willing to take time out and leave comments on photos from people like me and offer words of advice and support, I think that is really good and can only benefit people like me.

    I only have 6 photos on there at the moment because you are limited to uploading just one per day, the reason for that is to give everyone a chance to have their photos seen by other members and visitors. I am only going to upload my personal favourite photos to that site, but even though I've only been a member of the site for a week I've had several emails from proper photographers offering me advice and words of encouragement (they had been to look at my other photos in my online album). A couple of them have told me to contact them whenever I need some advice, how cool is that ?!

    Before the internet came along something like that just couldn't happen.

    Anyway my photos are at http://www.ephotozine.com/user.cfm?user=45092 if you want a nosey, but if I was you I'd take a look at the readers gallery at http://www.ephotozine.com/gallery/readerspics.cfm instead because some of the photos are breath-taking !

    If you are into photography I suggest you join the site (it's completely free) and upload a photo each day, you'll be amazed at the support and advice that you are given by the real photographers.

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  2. #2


    Glad you like it frank ... you will have to let me see your pics.

    There is a thing about that place imo ... some of the loveliest kindest peeps on there ... so sweet .... but to get clicks on your pics ( i get hardly any ) lmao ... either cus im cra* or cus i dont join in the forums.

    They have meet ups and all sorts of fun events but as you know im an anti social git so dont get involved.

  3. #3


    OOooops! scrub that! just clicked on the link DOH!

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by fairywishes
    Glad you like it frank ... you will have to let me see your pics.
    My pics are at http://helpdesk.ebid.net/showthread.php?t=85138

    Quote Originally Posted by fairywishes
    There is a thing about that place imo ... some of the loveliest kindest peeps on there ... so sweet .... but to get clicks on your pics ( i get hardly any ) lmao ... either cus im cra* or cus i dont join in the forums.
    Yeah they are a very friendly bunch.

    I don't get many clicks on my photos either, it's probably down to the large amount of photos uploaded every day.

    I've not looked at the forums yet, I might have a nosey later tonight. lol

    Quote Originally Posted by fairywishes
    They have meet ups and all sorts of fun events but as you know im an anti social git so dont get involved.
    Me and you both lass, I don't do meets. lol

    Thanks again for the url, it's been sat in my bookmarks for weeks. lol

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  5. #5


    It becomes aparent over time. ( Their are CLIQUES on there ) I did join before about a year and half ago ... but lost password when i went off line that time. So had to start again.

    eg : some pics are UTTER TRIPE and get tons of clicks as they know one another. Where as you can come across total works of ART and no clicks at all I clicked on a few of yours just now, cus they where good shots. I wont click for the sake of it.

    However, most on there are individualists and only CLICK when they like something .... so all in all its a TOP SITE imo with some of the most AMAZING photographers.

  6. #6


    Yeah I agree that there are some amazing photographers on there, I was surprised at how many there was.

    I don't see the point on people clicking on a photo just because they know the photographer, thats not the point of the site, but I suppose some folk just like to see their "score" go higher just for the sake of it. lol

    The aspect of the site that I love is the remarks/advice left by real photographers for snappers like me. It's an excellent way of learning photography, you can't beat advice from someone who is an expert.

    I think I'm gonna spend a lot of time on that site just looking through all the readers photos. lol

    Thanks for the comments you left lass.

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  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by plasticasprin
    Life isnt a competition http://www.fotolog.com/
    That looks an interesting site too, just bookmarked it.


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  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by plasticasprin
    i saw it featured on the C4 news the other day, over 7 million users now and producing books of the most popular images (which arent always professionally shot)
    Quite gay ..........C4

  9. #9


    I really like this one Frank. I like the perspective. Well done. I don't think there is anything wrong with your photos. You under rate yourself. I would like to see this one again, on a better day. Like a Summer/Winter.


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  10. #10


    PS I hope you didn't mind my posting it here

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