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Thread: X-Men III - The Last Stand

  1. #1

    Cool X-Men III - The Last Stand

    X Men III - The Last Stand

    We went to see this film last night to a sold out venue, what a fantastic film it is too!

    In X-Men: The Last Stand, the climax in the "X-Men" motion picture trilogy, a "cure" for mutancy threatens to alter the course of history.
    For the first time, mutants have a choice:
    Retain their uniqueness, though it isolates and alienates them, or give up their powers and become human. The opposing viewpoints of mutant leaders Charles Xavier, who preaches tolerance, and Magneto, who believes in the survival of the fittest, are put to the ultimate test - triggering the war to end all wars.

    Within the framework of an epic, action-packed story, X-Men: The Last Stand raises issues with strong contemporary relevance:

    Is conformity an antidote to prejudice?
    Is it cowardice to give up individuality, in order to fit in and avoid persecution?
    Do ends justify means?
    Is great power a blessing or a curse?

    Whatever your answers are, this is a must-see film, if you enjoyed X-Men I & II, you WILL NOT be disappointed in this film.

    Full of brilliant Special FX, which will blow your mind, along with an action packed excellent story line, with some humour and sad bits thrown in!

    The missus was more than happy drooling over Hugh Jackman "Wolverine" and I got to see the "Blue" woman/mutant naked

    As with the last film, you are left with a little twist in the air!

    A link to the website of X-Men III:


    Go and see it, today and enjoy!

  2. #2


    Well, don't just take my word for it, here's another sneak preview thanks to Ads by Goooooogle on the right:


    Boy, what that Magneto can do with a bridge is nobody's business...not even the Royal Engineers could move a bridge as fast!
    Last edited by jarremachine; 29th May 2006 at 12:22 PM.

  3. #3


    Thanks for whetting my appetite Jarre! I am a HUGE x-men fan, and am looking forward to seeing this one!
    Hopefully this is NOT the last one?

  4. #4


    You are most welcome, but the way I understand it, I think it IS the last one

    But you'll enjoy the film either way, methinks an X-Men Trilogy DVD set will be on it's way by christmas time...if it is, I'll be breaking my neck to rush out and get it!

  5. #5


    lol, I'll be joining you in the rush! And if there is to be no more, I guess I'll have to keep playing the three there is!

  6. #6
    Forum Saint shabbird's Avatar
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    brilliant film.. saw it few days ago.. just make sure you stay
    after the credits finish as there is still 1 scene to go that changes the story completely..

    4/5.. great story and special effects.. non stop action..

  7. #7
    Forum Saint shabbird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jarremachine
    X Men III - The Last Stand

    As with the last film, you are left with a little twist in the air!
    more twists than you thought

  8. #8


    Well, we're off to see it again as we missed the start by a couple of minutes AND the bit after the credits AND I'll be seeing Wolverine again (swoon!)

    Sigh! Life IS worth living
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  9. #9


    whoever was disappointed it's the last- they ARE making a wolverine spin-off (still hugh jackman!!) in the near future!
    How much did kelsey grammar rawk as the beast!!
    Remember to stay for the extra scene after the credits!!!

    Check out my shop/auctions- I'm selling film cells from x-men 3 (Film cells are from the projector reel, about the size of photo negatives with an image of the film on it!!!)

  10. #10


    Yup! As my bella mare pointed out, we got to see it again from beginning to end and after the credits too for an extra scene!

    I didn't realise that the Beast was Kelsey Grammer well known for his character of Frasier from the Cheers and erm, Frasier sit-coms

    The whole X-Men franchise cast is back Magneto (Ian Mckellen), Professor X (Patrick Stewart), Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), Jean Grey (Famke Janssen), Storm (Halle Berry), Cyclops (James Marsden), Rogue (Anna Paquin), Iceman (Shawn Ashmoore), Pyro (Aaron Stanford), Mystique (Rebecca Romijn), and Colossus (Daniel Cudmore). And also with new additions to the X-Men team such as Beast (Kelsey Grammer), Angel (Ben Foster), and Kitty Pryde (Ellen Page). But there are also new additions to The Brotherhood which are the unstoppable Juggernaut (Vinnie Jones), Callisto (Dania Ramirez), and the rest of the morlock followers. Too bad Nightcrawler didn’t come back for this sequel. So many mutants and so little time I should say to see more of the impressive powers from X-Men: The Last Stand. But they finally show a lot of comic book features that were introduced to this latest addition to the X-Men Franchise. X-Men: The Last Stand most importantly describes the discrimination and alienation from different races and the pinnacle of civil war.
    And Vinnie Jones too! Was that his REAL body? Has he really been working out? Or is it just some CGI wizardry and if so, can I have some CGI done to me too?

    There were no Nightcrawler too, he said in X-Men II DVD (2nd Disc) that he wouldn't do a third one, a pity. It had summat to do with the 10 hours of make up each day - that's almost as much as the OH takes too and still looks no better! LOL!

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