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Thread: Music maker

  1. #1

    Smile Music maker

    Is any one here able to help...i am looking for a freeware music maker download site...i have tried the H- lounge but there download does not work can anyone help thanks Darren

  2. #2


    Define what you mean by music maker.

    What output type are you expecting?
    What functions do you want it to have?
    Are you a beginner or more experienced in regard to music, computers and music software?
    Is it your intention to link your PC to any other equipment whilst using the software? (Does it need to control anything else?)

    More details about your exact wants/needs will give you a better chance of someone pointing you in the right direction.

  3. #3


    okay i m looking for a straight forward music maker..i have windows xp home..just something to put some beats and sounds together..i am not really advanced on a computer but know my way around to get by..i am a beginner music maker

  4. #4


    And what do you want to use to listen to the tunes you create?

    Are you looking to make MP3's, WAVs, MIDIs, Ogg files or what?

  5. #5


    good question..i will be listening through my suround speakers and base box and i am just looking to create some sounds..never thought what into.

  6. #6


    OK, I shall try one last time.

    What software on a computer, or electronic device (such as a Pocket PC, Ipod, PDA or MP3 player) do you intend to use to listen to the tunes?

    Just saying that you want to use your speakers is too vague - you could attach hundreds of different pieces of kit to your speakers.

    I suggest that you go away and do some research via Google.co.uk to find out what other people use. Then make some decisions for yourself.

    When you have done this basic research, feel free to ask again.

  7. #7


    i intend to listen to the tunes via my desktop and the software real player or windows media player 10

  8. #8

  9. #9


    DAMIEN......many thanks for your input very appreciated

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