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Thread: you remember this documentary?

  1. #1
    Forum Diehard
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    Default you remember this documentary?

    about 9yrs ago there was a documenty about marriages, it was a study about how married couples usually adopt reactions/expressions from the partner. For example, a similar facial expressions to certain situations/smells/actions ect. Expressions they would have never used without being with their partner ie before marriage

    Is there any... well...ermm..older people out here that remember the name or any other details of this TV program? Because I am particularly interested in finding the full report to see exactly how it was carried out, and finding exact stats at the time.

  2. #2


    Sorry, i did not see it but it would not surprise me in the least.

    eg : I used to be the most outgoing / fun loving / happy person you could meet ( IN REAL LIFE ) after spending 8 years with one of the most anti-social people on the planet it has deff rubbed off on me. If not on the net, in real life.

    Programme sounds interesting.

    Kinda like how they say pets look like their owners, dont know if its coincidence but i have noticed that loads.

  3. #3
    Forum Diehard
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    I totally agree with it.

    For example, my flat mate syas 'cool' an awful lot, through the months I have lived with him, I have picked it up, and now finding myself using it aswell!

    Regarding, the pet thing, as I dont have any pets I cant really comment as such, but the conclusion of the investigation is very logical.

    Maybe I should get down to a psychology forum!

    Btw FairyWishes, if your still with this guy, then get out more - drag him along

  4. #4


    I have tried believe me ... lol
    Easier said than done. We do go out more now anyway, just not together ( suits me fine )

    Regarding picking things up from people accent / terminology wise ... totaly right. When i lived in scotland i caught myself saying a lot of scottish phrases words.

    Now, with teenage children i ashamedly say things that do not sound right coming out the mouth of a 30 somthing woman.

    Then theirs net speak ... blinkin' LMAO / ROFL / LOL / BRB / TY etc - etc , the list goes on and on. I hate myself for doing it ( ok maybe not HATE ) lol <<<< see, tut. But i am one of the biggest offenders in that respect. We are like sponges for absorbing our surroundings , like it or not.

  5. #5


    It's true (though I never saw the program), and even though I've never really observed me and the hubby, my sister and her husband are so alike now, it's eerie! (Oh no...please don't tell me I'm like my husband!!!)
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  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by arh-products
    It's true (though I never saw the program), and even though I've never really observed me and the hubby, my sister and her husband are so alike now, it's eerie! (Oh no...please don't tell me I'm like my husband!!!)

    What, you mean spend time in the kitchen cooking the meals, doing the dishes, sorting the washing out, washing the washing, putting it out then repeat after the next meal

    And that's without babysitting for ya!

  7. #7


    LOL @ U2.

    Just checked my above posting , my spello's and typo's , was never the best at spelling but Yee Gads. I get worse by the day.

    Less haste more speed and better typing. TUT.

  8. #8


    Yes it's all true! And it doesn't take long either to start absorbing dialect/behaviour. We had some relatives down for a visit from Manchester once, they stayed a week. When they left I was still talking in their dialect!
    I was told once by a psychologist that we are all human 'sponges', which is why it is easy to re-train yourself out of bad habits, etc.

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