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Thread: how old is too old for a mum then??

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by mimms0
    Sorry I think it is sad to have a child when you are 62,

    Sad for the child who may not know his mother when he is 20.
    Sad for the child when when he is bullied by other kids (you know it will happen) because of the age of his mum.
    Sad for the child when the child grows up and starts a family, their children may never know there grandmother.
    Sad for the child when he has family problems and has no mother to run to.
    Just sad for the child to be born

    That's my opinion
    I agree, parentage goes far beyound school etc, I know i apprecaite my parents much more now, and would like to think they would be around to see my children one day and be fantastic grandparents. In this case this would never happen. Shame for the baby

  2. #12
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    I think it is a very selfish sthing to do and the expectant mother stated that this child would bring her and her husband closer together So what the heck is that supposed to mean?
    I feel sorry for the child as I can just imagine what the poor little thing will go through at school as well. Picked on and bulllied because of the age of its parents and that is just the start of it.

  3. #13


    yeah babs if they are so deep in love why not just celebrate that
    adopt even if they are desparate for a child together
    enjoy your own lives/each other

    why the heck put her life and her kids in danger to prove their love pffffffffffffffffffftttttttttttttt

    even if all goes well the kid will lose their mum most likely before i leaves school - not nice at all

    i know it happens all the time kids losing parents in all sorts of circumstances but why make it PROBABLE that it will happen

    selfish i agree

  4. #14


    the expectant mother stated that this child would bring her and her husband closer together
    There are loads of single mums [and dads] out there, struggling to bring up a child on their own because they thought a baby would bring them closer together. If the marriage is that shaky that it needs a baby to paper over the cracks, then the stress new babies bring will finish it off. Nothing like weeks of broken sleep, mucky nappies and babies throwing up to really stress you out. I loved my girls, but those first few months really left me zombified. Having a baby doesn't bring you closer together. You have to be close already if your marriage is to survive through teething etc.

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