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Thread: Wanna see something gross?

  1. #1

    Default Wanna see something gross?

    Whilst changing a fence panel yesterday, idiot here wasn't being particularly careful and got smacked in the face by the branch of a tree. I felt something go in my eye, so went and washed it out and didn't think much else of it. After spending most of the day rubbing my eye, i eventually went to A&E last night to have it looked at, and it turns out I've actually scratched the surface of my eye. So, having had my eyeball anethetised, the doctor then put some muscle relaxant in to open my pupil up to check for further damage, and this is the result:

    Not a very good picture I know, but it's the best I could get in A&E on my camera phone.16 hours later, I'm still waiting for the muscle relaxant to wear off so I'm walking around with blurred vision and woth one pupil fully open (and the other one tiny to compensate I presume)....

    The moral of the story: When asked to help change a fence panel, find any excuse to not do it....

  2. #2

  3. #3


    I sympathise with you, I really do! They used to enlarge my mums pupils to check her glaucoma, and she was virtually blind for hours afterwards. She had to wear shades as the light really hurt.
    And here's another warning about the eyes...I used to blow the empty seed kernels from my budgies food bowl before topping it up. DON'T!! One of the kernels went in my eye and stuck into the skin. It was ssooo painful!
    Hope you feel better now?

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