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Thread: Hello All!!

  1. #1

    Question Hello All!!

    I was wondering... Where are all the biders?
    I lookd at like 100 auctions and no one bids at all.
    The only people that look at the auctions are the people that started the auctions. Is this a new site that is going thru advertisment?


  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by mixail321
    I was wondering... Where are all the biders?
    I lookd at like 100 auctions and no one bids at all.
    The only people that look at the auctions are the people that started the auctions. Is this a new site that is going thru advertisment?


    We were waiting for you to come along & buy everything, lol.

    On a more serious note, there are thousands of auctions, some with bids but some people prefer to use the buy now option.

    My auctions, good prices, fair p&p.

    Laughing is good exercise, it's like jogging on the inside.

    Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.

  3. #3


    I have got a few bids on my items. And I have had quite a few buy it nows in the last few days. So its not all doom and gloom. lol

  4. #4
    Forum Diehard
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    Feb 2003
    Highworth, Wiltshire
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    almost all business on ebid is buy it now so you cannot easily detect it (except that looking at some sellers' feedback will give you a clue!).

    I have two ebid stores. This is for Cats Protection;Lots of beanies, fast food toys, random collectables, some new children's clothes - almost anything really.
    this is business and sells skeleton leaves, Thai silk, various vintage postcards, more random collectables
    Both sell discontinued china tableware.

  5. #5


    I totally agree, over half of all stuff I have sold here has been via buy it nows..Also mfkirke's idea of looking at feedback is a good one, as some people here have four figure feedbacks...
    I found in the beginning that a good way to promore yourself is to do a few front page 60min/4hr auctions to encourage people to look at your other stuff..they cost next to nothing if you leave it
    near to the time the auctions are about to start to list you items...
    Ann's idea is a good one tooo, if you buy a few things and get a few good transactions under your belt people are more willing to bid on your own auctions..
    Also personally I dont sell in your country, but I have brought from over there from US Ebid sellers, at this early stage of the US site if you have any items that you can ship abroad it might also help as you will have a larger community looking at your items...
    Good luck in your new Ebidding..

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