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Thread: They are coming... slowly... but they are!

  1. #1

    Smile They are coming... slowly... but they are!

    Hi all

    I know Ebid is having a bit of a slow patch at the moment, but over the last few weeks I have had a few people buy off me with prompt payment that were all Ebid newbies that have left Feebay. So looking good guys!

    Hmmmm not sure if I should change the title of this thread.... It could be taken the wrong way! lol

    Last edited by sat246; 14th March 2006 at 02:22 PM.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by sat246
    Hi all

    I know Ebid is having a bit of a slow patch at the moment, but over the last few weeks I have had a few people buy off me with prompt payment that were all Ebid newbies that have left Feebay. So looking good guys!

    Hmmmm not sure I should change the title of this thread.... It could be taking the wrong way! lol

    lmao we wouldnt do that on here .........................................

  3. #3


    well done !!! on your sales.
    This will be my last attempt, i am aware that i am avoiding hefty ebay charges selling here, which is why on and off i am still here years after first joining.

    However ...

    If i dont get decent sales over the next month or two then i will delete the auctions stick them on ebay and swallow their fees.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by fairywishes
    well done !!! on your sales.
    This will be my last attempt, i am aware that i am avoiding hefty ebay charges selling here, which is why on and off i am still here years after first joining.

    However ...

    If i dont get decent sales over the next month or two then i will delete the auctions stick them on ebay and swallow their fees.
    Nooooooo dont go back! I have bid on your auctions!!!!

  5. #5
    Forum Newbie hawkman's Avatar
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    I and may other have had the same problem on eb..y in regurds to making enough actual sales. the cost on that site
    wouldnt be so bad if you could make a return on your investment
    but i think the only way to realy make it there is to invest a lot more money than just the cost of fees and be able to hold out till it kicks in and you (if your lucy) can start to recover all the $$$$$ you spent. also it takes a LOT more time in research and all that to get anything substantial out of it. If you havent heard they raised there rates not that long ago (its now 8% to sell out of the store and other fees have gone up as well). it always sems to end up that any money i did make no matter how much just got
    taken away by eb...y

    LOL I have seen many things on this site i want to get but alass
    poor little old me will have to wait untill i get some of my stuff sold so that i will have money to go shopping with.

    please ignore any typos, my fingers have a mind of there own sometimes they just dont do what there told. LOL

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by fairywishes
    well done !!! on your sales.
    This will be my last attempt, i am aware that i am avoiding hefty ebay charges selling here, which is why on and off i am still here years after first joining.

    However ...

    If i dont get decent sales over the next month or two then i will delete the auctions stick them on ebay and swallow their fees.
    Hi, I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this but going back is strictly against policy & rules.
    Rule 17, section 4, subsection 35b, paragraph 15, strictly states.... Any established member of the ebid community found deserting & 'going back' will be hung, drawn & quartered. Furthermore, said person will then be transported to the desert to be eaten by vultures. However, it is permissable to visit 'the other side' to take advantage of cheap or free listing days but it is absolutely forbidden to leave permanently.

    I hope you have found this information useful, i'd hate you to breach such an important rule, just because you were unaware of it.

    Regards, Ann.

    My auctions, good prices, fair p&p.

    Laughing is good exercise, it's like jogging on the inside.

    Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.

  7. #7


    lol like the title of this thread , too bad its not what I thought it was about

    only joking !
    ENJOY @¬( ' v ' )¬@

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Anichka54
    Hi, I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this but going back is strictly against policy & rules.
    Rule 17, section 4, subsection 35b, paragraph 15, strictly states.... Any established member of the ebid community found deserting & 'going back' will be hung, drawn & quartered. Furthermore, said person will then be transported to the desert to be eaten by vultures. However, it is permissable to visit 'the other side' to take advantage of cheap or free listing days but it is absolutely forbidden to leave permanently.

    I hope you have found this information useful, i'd hate you to breach such an important rule, just because you were unaware of it.

    Regards, Ann.
    PMSL!!!!!! Go on.... You tell um. lol.

    Nobody is allowed to leave eBid... and anyway.... whats the point when you can have both??

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by p1mac
    lol like the title of this thread , too bad its not what I thought it was about

    only joking !
    Got ya looking though!!! lol

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Anichka54
    Hi, I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this but going back is strictly against policy & rules.
    Rule 17, section 4, subsection 35b, paragraph 15, strictly states.... Any established member of the ebid community found deserting & 'going back' will be hung, drawn & quartered. Furthermore, said person will then be transported to the desert to be eaten by vultures. However, it is permissable to visit 'the other side' to take advantage of cheap or free listing days but it is absolutely forbidden to leave permanently.

    I hope you have found this information useful, i'd hate you to breach such an important rule, just because you were unaware of it.

    Regards, Ann.
    Well I'm not gonna break the rules! I am staying put! Oi Elaine look, you cant be a rule breaker stay!!!!!!!

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