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Thread: Pi anyone?

  1. #1

    Question Pi anyone?

    No not the kind you eat I'm on about the mathematical term of Pi....the movie! Anyone seen it? It sounds good as a sci-fi film, but any feedback from peeps would be greatly appreciated as I'm interested in buying it, here's a review of it:

    Darren Aronofsky's award-winning directorial debut Pi, is a science-fiction thriller about the haunting journey into the genius mind of a renegade visionary Maximillian Cohen (Sean Gullette).

    A brilliant troubled man, Max is on the verge of the most important discovery of his life. For the past ten years he has been attempting to decode the numerical pattern beneath the ultimate system of ordered chaos - the stock market. As Max verges on a solution, chaos is swallowing the world around him. He is pursued by an aggressive Wall Street firm set on financial domination as well as a Kabbalah sect intent on unlocking the secrets behind their ancient holy texts. Max races to crack the code, hoping to defy the madness that looms before him. In succeeding, he uncovers a secret everyone is willing to kill for.
    Thanks in advance folks

  2. #2


    From that review I am so tempted to get it !
    ENJOY @¬( ' v ' )¬@

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by p1mac
    From that review I am so tempted to get it !
    Me too, but what if it's rubbish! How many times have we been caught out by great reviews from "film critics", only to find that a film was rubbish!

    For e.g., the film "1984 (Big Brother Is Watching You!)" came on the tv (eons ago!) and because the actor John Hurt was in it AND I was a fan of the Eurythmics whom did the soundtrack to 1984, I was intrigued!

    The critics raved about it and said it was for the higher intellect only!!! Maybe my level of intelligence was below par (didn't think it could get any lower, lol!), but the film IMHO was absolutely rubbish, utter drivel!

    Or vice versa, the critics have trashed a film and it has turned out to be brilliant!!!

    The BH and me make our own minds up and we do listen to family/friends advice too

    Anybody else have any offers on "Pi" ?

    Is it good or bad?

  4. #4


    My Brother has the dvd and i watched it, its really weird and at the end you dont really know whats going on.

    one of those films you have to watch a few times before you get it properly

    hope this helps
    ENJOY @¬( ' v ' )¬@

  5. #5


    Well, thank you kindly for that p1mac, but I'm still tempted! I might just rent it and see what it's like. I hope it's not one of those "deep" films, where if you blink you've missed summat and then you have to hit the rewind!

    I like "escapism" films, nowt too taxing on the ol' grey matter!

  6. #6


    I think you need to think about the film a bit (but not too hard) lol
    ENJOY @¬( ' v ' )¬@

  7. #7


    From http://www.mymoviestream.com/movies/?id=54136 :
    Low-budget film that won Aronofsky "Best Director" at 1998's Sundance Film Festival. Gritty, inventive black-and-white photography drives this story of genius mathematician Max Cohen who is exploring the possible existence of discernible patterns in the stock market. With the aid of Euclid, his home grown supercomputer, Max stumbles upon a bug that crashes his system and spits out a seemingly meaningless number. A knowledgeable friend gives him insight using the ancient game of Go and warns of the spiritual ramifications of powerful numbers. A Hasidic cabalistic sect and representatives from an extremely powerful Wall Street firm then attempt to extract the number from him, by whatever means necessary, for their own ill-gotten gains.
    Doesn't sound like something I would watch!
    The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the author, or his family, internet service
    provider, mobile phone operator, bank, milk supplier, television channel, favourite movie or religion.
    I don't know where they come from.
    It scares me sometimes.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by kenpem
    From http://www.mymoviestream.com/movies/?id=54136 :
    Doesn't sound like something I would watch!
    Well, I'm 'cos easy.com rent out movies & I was looking at the comments left by other peeps and about 50% loved it & the other 50% hated it I'm still non the wiser, just have to try and get some family idiot to rent it out....now let me see, who's the mug in our lot?

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by jarremachine
    Well, I'm confussed 'cos easy.com rent out movies & I was looking at the comments left by other peeps and about 50% loved it & the other 50% hated it! I'm still non the wiser, just have to try and get some family idiot to rent it out....now let me see, who's the mug in our lot?

    Well there's no need for me to rent Pi out as it's on tonight on Channel 4,

    02:45 - 04:20 Hrs.

    So really, it's on early Sunday morning in the wee hours

    According to "What's On TV" magazine:

    Numbers are the key to understanding life, or so thinks cranky recluse Sean Gullette in this crafty, low-budget brain teaser.
    So there you have it, well I won't be stopping up to watch it, I'll just set the tape up instead

    Thanks for all your input folks, I'll let you know my findings when I've gotten the chance to watch it

  10. #10

    Thumbs down

    Well, what can I say?

    What a load of drivel

    First ten minutes were highly irritating, thought the tape was acting up, but it wasn't they actually edited the film so's it would jump from one scene to the next, what's the point in that???

    Sketchy story, waste of time, sooooooooooooo glad I never bought it.

    We watched 24 instead, much more entertaining

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