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Thread: To Hang or Not to Hang? Capital Punishment

  1. #11


    Legal killing is just murder by another name and has no place in a civilised society - but I do think there are people who are beyond re-habilitation and shouldn't ever be released. And then i do think if they want to die, like Ian brady, then they should be allowed to refuse food/whatever.

    When "life" can mean as little as eight years i do think we've gone a bit soft...

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by swopmebob
    Thou Shalt Not Kill........

    Thou shalt not comit adultery, steal, sha* your neighbours mrs, honour thy parents BLA -BLA -BLA

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by swopmebob
    Thou Shalt Not Kill........
    Just how literally do you want to take that?

    Bear in mind that the Bible, apparently, does not say "Thou shalt not kill humans", just what is it OK to kill?

    Are we OK to kill off all the animals and the bird species? What about destroying all the plant life, the insects or even common bacteria? Remember that almost everything you eat was alive at some point.

    Can you honestly say that you live by the letter of the Commandment or that you interpret it depending on what suits you at the time?

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by swopmebob
    Thou Shalt Not Kill........
    So what would you have said to Hitler in 1939 ?...Come in...

    Our soldiers fought and died for us. Most would rather have stayed at home with their families but they had a lot of guts.

  5. #15


    kill-the Hebrew version of this word means criminal homicide, to lie in wait to commit the act of murder=planned, in other words, Murder 1

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by brighteyes
    kill-the Hebrew version of this word means criminal homicide, to lie in wait to commit the act of murder=planned, in other words, Murder 1
    Do we still use the older definitions of such words or do we accept a broader, more modern meaning? Who decides such issues? Are we to consult the Religious Leaders, and if so, which ones? What happens when they have opposing views?

  7. #17


    You have to be guided by your own conscience, whatever you decide that means to you.

  8. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by brighteyes
    You have to be guided by your own conscience, whatever you decide that means to you.
    The Commandment did not state that people should choose based on their own conscience. Are you suggesting that it is open to interpretation to suit the reader?

  9. #19


    In some circumstances, the hanging of a muslim terrorist would be seen as an act of martyrdom.
    However I believe all criminals should be punished, indefinitely if required.
    And the terrorist should be made to eat bacon sandwiches.

  10. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by rolfharrisunderpants
    In some circumstances, the hanging of a muslim terrorist would be seen as an act of martyrdom.
    However I believe all criminals should be punished, indefinitely if required.
    And the terrorist should be made to eat bacon sandwiches.
    Oh come on! Bacon sarnies are just TOO tasty. Now boiled pigs kidneys would be much more appropriate.

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