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Thread: *Anyone here into Geneology??***

  1. #1

    Default *Anyone here into Geneology??***

    I find it really fascinating, trying to find relatives from many years ago! I have never known any of my Grandparents, so I guess thats where it all started. One side of my family is fairly easy to trace, having stayed local for many gererations, but the other side is a challenge. I'm a member of GenesReunited, which is really helpful for looking up names, places, etc. I have a large album which I keep old photo's, documents, and general family history in. I was wondering if anyone else on here has been having a bit of research? And if so, how far back have you managed to get?

  2. #2


    I tried to trace my family tree - didnt know where to start, all the websites i tried asked for a subscription. So if you can recomend where to start i would be gratefull.
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  3. #3


    I do recommend GenesReunited very much. To do an initial search for names is free, but there is a subscription if you wish to contact other members with 'links' on the site. Saying that, its very cheap anyway, and I don't miss it.
    Have a look through the site first, see what you think before deciding. But it is the biggest site of its kind!

  4. #4


    I click your link. I have got to give my mum a buzz in the morning, to find out her and my dads DOB & place of birth, before I can go any further. It could be quite interesting.

  5. #5


    Blimey! I must join! I found my mum on there (she died 20 years ago). It is a very unusual surname (one I won't divulge due to security) and the place of birth is the same, although the year is 2 years out, but it must be her - the full name (including middle name) is there!
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  6. #6


    It could very well be your mum Raz. Bear in mind that the years can be slightly out if the person who entered her doesn't know her exact year of birth. If they have guessed, they should have put a C after the year. (Circa.)
    Hope you have fun anyway! You too Laura, it's a great site!

  7. #7
    Forum Master thehoneyant's Avatar
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    Recently finished one, got back to 1780 on my fathers side.
    Fortunately my dad's family were savers of BD& M certificates.
    And they were passed on through the family.

    I still had to do quite a bit of research in the Mormon Library Civil Records, the Parish Registers, District Probate, Census, Service and Consular records, and Trade Directories. Even visited Churchyards,
    Sheets and sheets of papers, and notes.

    All worth it in the end, Now I'm looking to have it printed up and framed for my daughter.

    She's now doing her Dads side of the family but it is turning out to be very difficult, Lot's of skeletons in the cupboards.

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    Good luck to you all, it took me 2 years and a lot of hard work.

  8. #8
    Forum Lurker IanSF's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Well worth a look

    I have been a subscriber on GR since it was launched as a sister site to Friends Reunited. My tree has been on there for some time.
    Through it, my wife was reunited with her estranged daughter of 30 years, not having seen her since her ex remarried and moved away without telling her where he went. (It was a very bitter and nasty divorce.)
    She had rejected her step mother and had been looking for her mum for over 15 years. One of the first things she did after getting a computer was to search on GR.

  9. #9


    LOL - I have just had a response from someone whose son was my brother's best friend at school - turns out he is our fourth cousin - all that time of being friends and they didn't know they shared a great great grandfather from 1838!
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  10. #10


    Yes, been working on my family tree for over 25 yrs, just joined Ancestry last year and discovered that gt gran had my granddad after her husband died.

    Was a shock as we had got certificates for her husband's side, thinking he was granddad, going back a further two generations all the way back to County Mayo in 1798 and were planning a trip over to try the parish records for more. Now we find we are not even related to them.

    Suppose it something you have to be prepared for, we've discovered so many father unknown's I could be anybody
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