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Thread: Idea's on how to get rid of scammers

  1. #1

    Cool Idea's on how to get rid of scammers

    Could ebid not have some kind of system where when you join you automaticaly get sent a letter for you to sign and send back( so as to verify the address and make sure someone is staying there), once your letter has been received back at ebid you can then start selling....this should get rid of the scammers
    George M Laws


    "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on !"

  2. #2


    Just get rid of the mobile phone, ipod and handbag categories, that would get rid of most of them.

  3. #3

  4. #4


    I nearly forgot the laptop and plasma screens too.

    Mind you the plasma screen category is full of dropshippers, i.e. none actually for sale.

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