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Thread: Tomato seeds now, more later

  1. #1

    Default Tomato seeds now, more later


    I'm new to eBid but I've been selling seeds on eBay for at least 5 years. Here is my eBid store http://us.three.ebid.net/stores/Knapps-Vegetable-Seeds

    Right now I have my tomato seeds listed. When I get the time I will be listing winter squash, peppers, and sunflower seeds. These are all good varieties that I use in my truck garden business. We farm about 25-40 acres of vegies each year.

    While I have sold mostly to the US, I always have a few Canadian customers. I've also sent some orders to the UK and a couple to Au and NZ.

    I don't know quite what the seed import rules are for most countries, but so far those few orders have gone thru with no problems that I know about. I do mark my customs forms with what is in the pack and I have a sticker on the packs - "seeds, don't irradiate".

    If you are looking for something special in the vegie world ask and maybe I have it or can get it.

    Thanks for looking,

  2. #2


    I didn't realise there were so many varieties of tomato.

    Which do you recommend for making ketchup?

    Have you got any of those really long hot chillies?

  3. #3


    Any of the romas would make good ketchup as they aren't as watery.

    The long hot chiles would be a cayenne type or possibly some of the thais. I have them and will get those and a lot more hot peppers listed soon. I have about 40 varieties of hot chiles to get listed. I also have a great hot sauce that we make from our chiles that I will list too.


  4. #4


    I finally got my chile seeds listed. I have 47 varieties up now, and will probably get more up when I get new seeds in. Thanks for looking.


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