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Thread: Funny ideas please?

  1. #11


    I am going to make some stupid gift baskets for my next fair (back permitting).

    So, my "for the person who has everything" will so far include (all will be made by myself):

    Belly Button Brush in box
    Hands Free Mobile Kit (elastic band)
    Hair of the dog (dogs hair on a card in a small bag)
    Spare air bubbles for spirit level (thanks FFF)

    All of the above will cost hardly anything to make, but with the correct packaging, they will look really good in a basket and will be great fun at the next fair (the school one, which raises money for the school).

    So, anything else along these lines that I can make with a minimal cost but high fun factor, let me know (have taken other ideas on board).

    Question: looking for small in length brushes (make up brushes would probably be best) to fit in a small box for the belly button brush - anyone know where I can buy these in quantity or cheap?
    For personalised pop art, visit my shop: http://uk.ebid.net/stores/Happy-Brushstrokes

  2. #12


    Stress Buster! (Bubble wrap)

  3. #13


    A mint smelling bag which gets sold as containing spare holes for Polo mints.

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele
    Stress Buster! (Bubble wrap)
    lol !! Rimmer will be after you ! (don't forget to paint the bubble wrap red)

    Jar of vaseline or similar?? (elbow grease)
    Is full of good stuff !

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by funky_fudge_factory
    lol !! Rimmer will be after you ! (don't forget to paint the bubble wrap red)
    But only if he gets a time machine.


  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele
    But only if he gets a time machine.

    lol !! Tension sheet !! That was it
    Is full of good stuff !

  7. #17


    How about some "Time Machine ready, winning Lottery numbers"? Just find out which numbers won the Lottery on a couple of dates and fill them in on the game cards so they'll be all ready for the new owner to go back in time and buy their winning tickets with them? All they need to add is a working Time Machine.

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