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Thread: peace for 5 minutes

  1. #1

    Talking peace for 5 minutes

    hooray the kids are out walking the dog, the teenager is still hibernating in bed and the other half is snoring so loud i can hear him from here. iI have loads of housework to do and a roast to cook but what the hell- I am having fun n chilling on the pc chatting to you lot. P eace will be shattered in a bit when they all scream for my attention but for now im on strike to all members of my family lol

  2. #2

  3. #3


    lovey isnt it?? my one is at trusted neighbours playing...coooooooeeeeeeeeeee

  4. #4


    Well, so far have enjoyed a lovely peaceful Sunday, but that is about to change! My daughter and two grandsons will be here soon, they visit every Sunday teatime. The boys are not badly behaved, just very lively!! Hm, keeps me on my toes I s'pose!

  5. #5


    Velcro. And lots of it. When combined with a gag it works wonders. Half on the kids and half on one wall. Sorted.

  6. #6


    What an ingenious invention! I'll bear that in mind for the next time they come! (Joke!) Well, not much damage this time, just a few ornaments knocked over by a football. Always lovely to see them tho' as at the rate they are growing, they won't be young for long!

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