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Thread: what does it mean if member has line through their name

  1. #1
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    Angry what does it mean if member has line through their name

    one of my auctions was won by "buy it now" but the person who won the auction has a line through their username, what does this mean? he also has no feedback at all and this is a pretty pricey item ($775 CAD). to top it all off, his zip code is bogus (US zip codes don't contain any letters, only numbers and he put 4 letters in his so I know its a fake) this all makes me really worried about this guy. Another thing that makes me really angry is that this is the second time that someone has "won" one of my auctions through buy it now and the other one was bogus too, but I still have to pay the fees to eBid, and how do I get these auctions off "myeBid" without without marking them "paid" when they obviously aren't?

  2. #2


    the line means the account is suspended, apparently due to some illegal activity such as non payment or pulling a scam.

    Contact support@ebid.tv with the auction iinfo and the bidders id etc and they will refund the fee's. If they dont remove the item from your "my ebid" you can then mark them as paid and forgetabout them.

    hope this helps

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by paladinz2k
    the line means the account is suspended, apparently due to some illegal activity such as non payment or pulling a scam.
    Just wanted to point out it's not always due to illegal activity... can also be for something like multiple listings or listing items in the wrong place..... also the other day a few people (me included) had lines through their name for no apparent reason and it turned out to be some sort of glitch (quickly rectified thank goodness)

  4. #4


    agreed lizpepper, but i was refering to "illegal activities" on herenot in the real world, which would include multiple listings etc as they are agaisnt the rules for ebid. And refering specifically to the bidder Leanne asked about, taking into account the fake postal code etc.

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